GC Rieber Shipping - Notice of Annual General Meeting

Stock Exchange Notice
Date: 21 March 2019

GC Rieber Shipping - Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting in GC Rieber Shipping ASA ("The Company") will be held on Thursday 11 April 2019 at 14:00 hours (CET) at Solheimsgaten 11, Bergen (the auditorium at Skipsbyggerhallen).


  1. Opening of the Annual General Meeting by the Chairman of the Board and record of shareholders present
  2. Election of a person to chair the meeting
  3. Approval of the notice and agenda
  4. Election of a person to co-sign the minutes together with the chairperson
  5. Approval of the annual accounts and the annual report for the financial year 2018, including possible distribution of dividends
  6. Consideration of the Board of Directors' statement regarding the determination of salaries and other remuneration to the management Pursuant to Section 6-16 of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act
  7. Determination of the remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors
  8. Approval of the remuneration to the auditor
  9. Election of members to the Board of Directors

The complete Notice has been submitted to shareholders. The Company's annual report for 2018 is attached to this stock exchange notice. Documents concerning items on the agenda that shall be resolved by the general meeting have been made available at the Company's website (www.gcrieber-shipping.com), in accordance with article 5 in the Company's articles of association. Shareholders wishing to attend the annual general meeting, in person or by proxy, are requested to complete the reply slip attached to the Notice. The reply slip must have been received by the Company, either by mail or by e-mail to alexander.froyseth@gcrieber.com, no later than 10 April 2019 at 16:00 (CEST).

For further information, please contact:
Einar Ytredal, CEO, phone: +47 975 20 184
Øystein Kvåle, CFO, phone: +47 479 02 919

About GC Rieber Shipping:
GC Rieber Shipping's business within offshore/shipping includes ownership in specialized vessels, high quality marine ship management and project development within the segments subsea, ice/support and marine seismic. The group has a specialized competence in offshore operations in harsh environments as well as design, development and maritime operation of offshore vessels.

GC Rieber Shipping currently operates 11 and has direct and indirect ownership in 23 advanced special purpose vessels for defined markets within the subsea, ice/support and marine seismic segments. The Company has its headquarter and a ship management office in Bergen, with an additional 50% owned ship management Company in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russia). The Company is listed on Oslo Børs with ticker RISH.

Further information is available on the Company's website www.gcrieber-shipping.com.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Annual Report 2018 Notice Annual General Meeting