Global Leaders in Academic Health Convene to Address Building Strategic Partnerships

Meeting to Focus on Efforts that Advance Sustainable Healthcare Solutions

Washington, DC, April 02, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Building robust partnerships and strategies to advance sustainable solutions to today’s global healthcare challenges are integral components in fostering innovation and improving health outcomes. Academic health centers, with their tripartite mission of biomedical research, health professions education, and delivery of state-of-the-art healthcare regionally, nationally, and worldwide, are increasingly applying ideas and practices that result from these vital strategic partnerships.

“Because academic health centers have broad capabilities and deep expertise, they naturally lead the effort to address all aspects of health and well-being,” said Steven L. Kanter, MD, president and CEO of the Association of Academic Health Centers (AAHC). “Their role as regional anchor institutions enhances efforts to advance sustainable healthcare solutions through successful collaborations and critical investment in communities.”

The 2019 AAHC Global Issues Forum will bring together academic health center leaders and health policy experts from around the world to share and discuss key opportunities and current challenges as well as highlight optimal, sustainable solutions to regional and global healthcare needs. The meeting will be held May 5-7, 2019 in Washington, DC.

Recognizing the importance and urgency of focusing on ways to implement strategic partnerships, the leaders will explore strategies, programs, and models of best practices that they can bring to their own institutions and communities to improve individual and population health. The meeting also will include keynote speakers: Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD, director of the Fogarty International Center and associate director for international research at NIH, and Greg Simon, JD, president of the Biden Cancer Initiative.

The meeting features AAHC 50th Anniversary Lectures delivered by Claire Pomeroy, MD, MBA, president of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, and Qimin Zhan, MD, PhD, president of Peking University Health Science Centre and executive vice president of Peking University.

“Academic health centers provide the leadership to build local, regional, and international partnerships that improve population health,” said Kanter, adding “the 2019 AAHC Global Issues Forum will be an important step to catalyze progress.”

AAHC is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing health and well-being through the dynamic leadership of academic health centers.

