Naropa University Announces 4th Annual Earth Justice Day

Carl Anthony & Paloma Pavel to present workshop on The Earth, the City, & the Hidden Narrative of Race

Boulder, Colorado, April 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Wednesday, April 24th, Naropa University in Boulder will present our fourth annual Earth Justice Day event, with keynote speakers Carl Anthony and Paloma Pavel, who will present on The Earth, the City and the Hidden Narrative of Race.

Earth Justice Day is an action-based social event where Naropa and the wider Boulder community come together to root into the inextricable connections between critical environmental justice and social justice objectives. Come join us and take action to build a more socially-inclusive and ecologically-aware institution. 

Carl Anthony is a visionary architect, urban planner and author, and Founder of Breakthrough Communities, a project of Earth House Center to build multiracial leadership for sustainable communities in California and the nation. He has been a Senior Ford Foundation Fellow at U.C. Berkeley Department of Geography working on a book, The Earth, the City and the Hidden Narrative of Race examining the connections between fields of environmental justice, community development, and the changing face of global urbanization.

Dr. Margaret Paloma Pavel is President and founder of Earth House, a multicultural media and learning center for environmental and social justice based in Oakland, California. The mission of Earth House is to build healthy and sustainable communities through multi-racial leadership development and community organizing, providing education and media tools. Earth House works internationally, nationally, and regionally providing technical assistance and consulting to individuals, communities, and organizations on large systems change, strategic communications, building multi-cultural organizations, and leadership development.


Founded in 1974, Naropa University is the birthplace of the modern mindfulness movement, and the only school in the United States that grounds the student experience in contemplative education principles. Naropa is also the only university in Colorado to divest from the oil and gas industry.


