Basseterre, St. Kitts-Nevis, May 13, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This statement was release by Alki David and Swissx Labs today: It is with great respect for the people of St. Kitts - Nevis and the country's sovereignty that Alki David, Swissx and their partners are working to make sure the island takes its rightful place as a leader in the world's fastest growing industry - legal CBD hemp.
Swissx is already working with local farmers and businessmen to build a fair and robust cooperative system, and have been moved by both their knowledge of the crop and enthusiasm for its pending legalization. Our CBD hemp company is modeling its SKN operations after the massive economic development success the State of Kentucky is enjoying in America for the CBD hemp industry.
Kitticians and Nevisians can experience a strong sense of pride as they travel to the United States and see legal CBD hemp products from Swissx in 7-11 retail locations throughout America. The major advantage Alki David's Swissx brings to the amazing people of St. Kitts and Nevis is guaranteed off-take for CBD hemp production at fair wholesale market pricing. Everybody wins and wins big.
The Swissx team recognizes the need for proper education on the burgeoning CBD industry for business to prosper. Mr. David and his team are committed to this educational foundation and will be publishing a plethora of support materials, collateral and findings on CBD hemp plant medicine.
Furthermore, considering the favorable soil and weather conditions, including an advanced culture and economy specializing in agriculture, SKN was the obvious choice for commencing our Caribbean endeavors.
Our intention is to work with the government, the courts, the banks, the business sector, and the farmers to develop a fair system that creates thousands of jobs on the island and uses Swissx's international distribution network to make St. Kitts-Nevis cannabis products among the most sought after in the world.
It is our intention to quickly see a surge in the nation's GDP that will benefit everyone. This is an economic development initiative for raising the quality of life in conjunction with local SKN Caribbean partners. Former PM Denzil Douglas is working closely with us.
We've have met with Prime Minister Harris to talk about coordinating support efforts before we leave next week for meetings in Dominica and other Caribbean island nations that have shown great interest in our cooperative partnership. Those talks have broken down and led to the arrests of David and Ergen. David and Ergen's legal team has arrived from the UK and will be filing lawsuits against PM Harris and the government this week.
On Weds, May 14, David and Swissx will host a symposium in Basseterre, seeking to educate everyone with a stake in revitalizing the St. Kittts-Nevis economy and fulfilling the nation's promise of freedom and prosperity. We'll explain hemp and CBD, and how cooperative farming organizations can succeed in making St. Kitts-Nevis a major player in the fastest growing business in the world.
"When will the politicians pass the Cannabis Bill of 2019 under a parliamentary procedure requiring a second and third reading to free its citizens of this decades-long failed prohibition?" said Alki David.
@stkitts - parliament
Urgent Statement on St. Kitts-Nevis Cannabis Business and Arrests by Prime Minister Timothy Harris
Alki David and Chase Ergen have a plan that will create thousands of jobs on the island and double GDP;Current tensions risk the nation's chance at leading a multi-billion dollar industry; $100 mm in lawsuits to be filed against Harris this week
| Quelle: Swissx
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