Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business partners with the Indigenous-led Forward Summit to support and amplify the voices of Aboriginal business and community prosperity in Canada

Toronto, ON, May 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following the success of Forward Summit, which brought together over 500 Indigenous and industry thought-leaders, community leaders and business owners, the organizing team is excited to announce a major partnership with the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) for 2020.

This past Spring, over 40 Indigenous communities and hundreds of organizations gathered to network and share their perspectives on the opportunities for economic growth and employment for Indigenous Peoples. Throughout three full days of panels, workshops, and roundtables hosted at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre, delegates explored successes and barriers to Indigenous growth while building trust and developing important relationships.

The results of Forward Summit were unanimously recognized by participants as valuable steps on the path towards Economic Reconciliation. By providing a platform encouraging open and intimate discussions, participants felt empowered to share their stories and opinions on topics including capacity building, employment, procurement, agreements, capital, relationships, developing industries and more. 

CCAB and their President/Forward Summit Co-Chair, JP Gladu, joined this initiative as a founding organization in 2018 to support the vision that a stronger Indigenous community will lead to a stronger overall economy in Canada. As global leaders in developing relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations, CCAB continues to advance the conversations of Economic Reconciliation with strategic partnerships, programs and training to their members and communities across Canada.

The collaboration between Forward Summit and CCAB will help evolve this community gathering by inspiring organizational participation at a national level. Moreover, from a content perspective, Forward Summit will continue to attract thought-leaders and content from national and international organizations and communities who are forging mutually beneficial relationships. Forward Summit 2020 will also introduce an evening Gala which will include dinner, awards and entertainment.

“We are honored to collaborate with CCAB, a global leader in Indigenous relationships and progressive programming. Together, we look forward to amplifying the many voices of Economic Reconciliation at Forward Summit.” – Miki Reeder, President & CEO, Connect Partnership Group, Organizers of Forward Summit.

“By partnering and working in tandem with the Forward Summit our efforts to build a sustainable and prosperous Aboriginal economy in Canada are stronger than ever.” –  JP Gladu, President & CEO, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and Co-Chair, Forward Summit

Forward Summit in association with CCAB returns April 28-29, 2020 to build on initial conversation with the help and support of key stakeholders including Co-Chair, Former Grand Chief Charles Weaselhead and the Indigenous-led Leadership Council.  The conference will encourage a wider participation from both urban and remote communities and provide more content focused on economies, workforce, education and the environment.   

To learn more about Forward Summit visit

To learn more about Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business visit 



