ATP appoints CEO

Press release

18 June 2019

ATP appoints CEO

As of today, Bo Foged, 48 years, takes office as ATP CEO, and at 1 September 2019 Martin Præstegaard joins ATP as deputy CEO and CFO in ATP’s Group management.

“I am pleased that we in the board of directors with this announcement have carried out an important mission. The requirements to ATP’s top management are many. Both from the Danish population, from the board of directors, from employees and Group management at ATP and also from the authorities. It has been essential to us that we took the time for dialogue with relevant stakeholders and searched the market for relevant candidates – both externally and internally. All candidates were evaluated on the same terms, and Bo Foged has been selected. Having Bo Foged as CEO and Martin Præstegaard in the Group management results in a strong and qualified management team in ATP”, says Torben M. Andersen, chairman of the ATP board of directors.

About the selection of Bo Foged, Torben M. Andersen says the following:

“Bo Foged is respected in the financial sector for his strong skills, not least concerning strategy and execution. In the role as both CFO and interim CEO, Bo has proved that he owns the ability, the experience and the capacity to accomplish the job. Therefore, we are pleased that Bo accepted this task.

Martin Præstegaard takes on the position as deputy CEO

In connection with Bo Foged taking on the top management responsibility in ATP, Martin Præstegaard, current Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, enters into ATP Group management as deputy CEO and will also attend to the role as CFO.

“ATP plays an essential role in the Danish welfare society. With Martin Præstegaard on board, ATP’s management will be further strengthened in lifting the societal task, ATP accomplishes. Both with regard to securing basic financial security in Denmark and with regard to being an effective and strong provider of social benefits. Martin Præstegaard’s capacity and competences are well respected, and I am happy that he is ready to take on this very important task” says Torben M. Andersen.

Bo Foged says: “Very few CEOs have had the opportunity to work as a trainee – and I must say I have become very keen to take on the task. It is exciting and challenging to head ATP. The societal task, the business and not least ATP’s skilled employees and my managing colleagues have outmatched my concerns. I know what I’m letting myself in for, and I was very happy when the board asked the big question”.

“As Denmark’s pension and Processing Business, ATP is one of the big central players in the Danish welfare society. From my chair in the Ministry of Finance, I have followed and worked with ATP, and I have great respect for the task ATP carries out for all of us – and for the professionalism and orderliness that I know ATP for. I look forward to becoming af part of that”, says Martin Præstegaard.

CIO changes to PFA

ATP’s CIO Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen switches to PFA as of September 2019 to a new position as group managing director and Group CIO in PFA.

Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen says:

“The job change was not on the cards as I am happy working at ATP. But at a certain point in the process with PFA I felt that the desire to challenge myself in a more commercial field was so big that I had to jump at the offer. I look very much forward to the new challenges and to use my knowledge and experience to the benefit of PFA. At the same time, I am happy and proud of all that we have accomplished in ATP in the past few years”.

Torben M. Andersen comments:

“In the board we have appreciated Kasper and our good working relationship. Both because of the results Kasper has delivered, his professional capacity and the changes he has headed in ATP. On behalf of all of ATP, I would like to thank Kasper and wish him all the best in PFA. And now we must start looking for a new CIO for ATP in cooperation with the new Group management."

Bo Foged CV:

Martin Præstegaard CV:

For further info, please contact:  

Head of Press Stephan Ghisler-Solvang P: +45 61 22 93 92 E:

Senior press advisor Maria Lindeberg P: 24 99 84 55 E:



ATP appoints CEO_press release