MONTREAL, June 19, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) is proud to announce the winners from the annual Awards for Civil Engineering Excellence (ACE) Gala that took place on June 14th, as part of the CSCE 2019 Annual Conference. These honours include 10 Fellowships, 10 Career Awards, 3 Best Papers as well as a 7 project awards for Excellence in Innovation and Government Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure.
One of CSCE’s strategic directions is growing with youth, as was reflected by the theme of this year’s CSCE Annual Conference, and further by including the students’ awards this year in the ACE gala. These honours include Student Competitions for concrete canoe, steel bridge and Capstone. As well as Student Best Papers, and the President’s Award for Best Student Chapter.
Please join us in congratulating all of this year’s honours and fellowship recipients.
La Société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC) est fière d’annoncer les gagnants de ses Prix Excellence en génie civil remis lors de son gala annuel, qui se tenait le 14 juin dans le cadre du congrès annuel 2019 de la SCGC. Ces prix honorifiques englobent dix Fellowships, dix Prix de carrière, trois Prix pour la meilleure communication ainsi que sept Prix pour des projets d’Excellence en innovation et Leadership gouvernemental en infrastructures durables.
Une des orientations stratégiques de la SCGC est de croître avec les jeunes. Cette orientation se reflétait dans le thème du congrès annuel de la SCGC cette année, et encore davantage par l’introduction de prix destinés aux étudiants lors du gala de remise des honneurs. Ces honneurs incluent des prix pour des compétitions étudiantes de canoës de béton, de ponts d’acier et conception Capstone. Des prix sont également remis pour les meilleures communications d’étudiants, et le Prix du président vise à reconnaître le meilleur chapitre étudiant.
Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour féliciter toutes les personnes honorées ainsi que les récipiendaires de fellowships cette année.
Ashutosh Bagchi, Montreal, QC Ghislain Dionne, Laval, QC Ken Galm, Edmonton, AB Senator Rosa Galvez, Quebec, QC Paul Gauvreau, Toronto, ON Patrick Lalach, Saskatoon, SK Ronald Losier, St. Isidore, NB Jean Proulx, Sherbrooke, QC Manas Shome, Edmonton, AB Susan Tighe, Waterloo, ON | |
A.B. Sanderson Award Camille A. Dagenais Award Sanford Fleming Award Donald Jamieson Fellowship W. Gordon Plewes Award James A. Vance Award Young Professional Engineer Award Young Professional – Atlantic Region Young Professional – Quebec Region Young Professional – Western Region | Jeffrey Packer, Toronto, ON Ram Balachandar, Windsor, ON Amer Shalaby, Toronto, ON Pedram Mortazavi, Toronto, ON Roger Dorton, Willowdale, ON Gopal Achari, Calgary, ON Steven Oosterhof, Edmonton, ON Brandon Searle, Fredericton, NB Benoit Cusson, Brossard, QC Steven Oosterhof, Edmonton, AB |
Donald Stanley Award:
Modelling deformation and strains induced by waste settlement in a centrifuge test. By Kerry Rowe, Yan Yu
Thomas C. Keefer Metal:
Numerical studies for a better understanding of static ice loads on dams.
By Brian Morse, Ekaterina Kharik, Alain Côté, George Comfort, Varvara Roubtsova, Mario Fafard
Casimir Gzowski Metal:
Sesimic fragility analysis of pre-1975 conventional concrete frame buildings in Canada. By Murat Saatcioglu, Abdullah Al Mamun
Avenir Centre, City of Moncton, NB
Regional Award, Atlantic Region – Avenir Centre, City of Moncton, NB
Regional Award, Ontario Region - Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Improved Wastewater System Response Forecasting, York Region, ON
Samuel de Champlain Bridge Corridor, Infrastructure Canada, QC
Regional Award, Atlantic Region – Northwest Arm Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation, Halifax Water, Halifax, NS
Regional Award, Quebec Region – Samuel de Champlain Bridge, Infrastructure Canada, QC
Regional Award, Western Region – Town of Gibson Natural Asset Management Plan, Gibson, BC
1st place : École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, QC
1st place : École supérieure de technologie, ETS, Montréal, QC
1st Place: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
7th International Construction Conference jointly with the Construction Research Congress:
Framework to Establish the Relationship between Factors Influencing Construction Productivity Using Fuzzy Interpretive Structural Modeling. By Yisshak Gebretekle, University of Alberta
7th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials:
Analytical Modelling of Heavy Timber Assemblies with Realistic Boundary Conditions Subjected to Blast Loading. By Christian Viau, University of Ottawa
17th International Environmental Conference:
The Meewasin Northeast Swale: Using Natural Capital Asset Valuation to Value Saskatoon’s Natural Resources. By Scott Read, University of Saskatchewan
24th Annual Hydrotechnical Conference:
Evolving trends of rain over precipitation in Canadian cold season during the late 20th century. By Shadi Hatami, Concordia University
CSCE General Conference:
Seismic Behavior of GFRP-Reinforced Interior Slab-Column Connection under Gravity and Reversed-Cyclic Lateral Loading. By Mohamed Eladawy, University of Sherbrooke
1st place: British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Burnaby, BC
For more details about the above honours and fellowships, please visit our website as CSCE.CA
The CSCE is a not-for-profit learned society created to develop and maintain high standards of civil engineering practice in Canada and to enhance the public image of the civil engineering profession.
Pour plus d’information sur les prix honorifiques décrits précédemment, nous vous invitons à visiter notre site à CSCE.CA.
La SCGC est une organismes sans but lucratif, société savante dont le but est de développer et maintenir des standards élevés de la pratique du génie civil au Canada et de rehausser l’image de la profession du génie civil auprès du public.
Contact: Lyanne St. Jacques 514-730-5288
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at