Regarding the Investor’s Letter of Lietuvos Energija

Lietuvos Energija, UAB, (hereinafter – the Company) identification code 301844044, registered office placed at Žvejų str. 14, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total nominal value of issued bonds 600 000 000 EUR; ISIN codes XS1646530565; XS1853999313.

Lietuvos energija, UAB, according to Companies Green Bond Framework, is reporting the Investor’s Letter.

Lietuvos energija is committed to report to its Green Bonds investors annually. These reports should be audited by an independent auditor. Please get acquainted with the investor's letter and with the limited assurance of the independent auditor via this weblink:

In July 2017, Lietuvos Energija issued its inaugural 300 mln. EUR green bond. A year after, in July 2018, the second 300 mln. EUR issue of green bonds of Lietuvos Energija has been successfully distributed.
By using these funds, Lietuvos Energija funded investments into wind energy, the increase of efficiency of the electricity distribution network and projects for the generation of energy from waste and biomass and clean transportation.

Lietuvos Energija has committed to use the funds attracted by the Green Bonds only to finance investments into green energy projects. The independent Norwegian Climate Research Institute Cicero and the Swedish Environmental Institute (SEI) has given the Green Bond Framework the darkest shade of green rating.

Arturas Ketlerius, Head of Public Relations, mob. +370 620 76076, email.

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