Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) Announces 2019 Programming, Spotlighting Developments in 5G, Deep Learning, Hack Proofing, and More

A robust lineup of educational sessions, panels, and technical workshops to offer embedded and electrical engineers foundational learning across software, hardware, and IoT

SANTA MONICA, Calif., July 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the Embedded Systems Conference (ESC), an event with a 30-year legacy of influencing electronics design and innovation, announced its 2019 conference content spanning five distinct tracks across hardware, software, and IoT, including:

  • Advanced Technologies
  • Embedded Hardware Design & Verification
  • Embedded Software Design & Verification
  • Focus on Fundamentals
  • IoT & Connected Devices

The conference, tailored to provide engineers the unique opportunity to interact with embedded systems’ latest technology, learn from and network with leading companies across applications, delve into innovative design processes, and much more, will take place August 27-29 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, CA.

New to 2019, ESC will run alongside the inaugural Drive World Conference & Expo, a must-attend showcase bringing together the brightest minds across the automotive electronics and intelligence industries. To register as press, please visit: DriveWorldESC.com/press.

The embedded systems market is forecasted to reach $214.39 billion by 2020, according to Million Insights' Market Research Report. “The growing implementation of embedded systems throughout sectors has led to astounding technological advances across industries,” said Suzanne Deffree, brand director, Intelligent Systems & Design, Informa Markets. “As we look toward a future that will likely see multiple technological revolutions in this lifetime, it is important we support the engineers and companies behind the scenes by providing them with the tools and resources to excel. ESC will serve as said interactive platform for those to come together to connect, learn, and grow.”

Featuring over 60 hours of engaging, technical conference content over the course of three days, attendees will have the opportunity to:

  • Drill into the new thinking behind device drivers, open-source software, code reliability, security reliability, C/C++, Python, and more;
  • Learn how networks are growing, integrating, and improving the way we build and experience the world;
  • Discuss the latest in low-power design, systems architecture, sensors, security, and more to engineer more efficient products;
  • Understand how vision systems, security, and blockchain work in automotive segment and take a closer look at what’s coming next;
  • And benefit from refresher learning modules that focus on the fundamentals of core hardware and software skills.

Additionally, VIP attendees and members of the press will have the opportunity to attend a meet-and-greet event with Sebastian Thrun, CEO of the Kitty Hawk Corporation and Chairman and Co-Founder of Udacity, immediately following his keynote presentation taking place August 28 from 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

ESC 2019 featured sessions include:

Tuesday, August 27
Will 5G Single-handedly Fulfill the Promise of Autonomous Driving?
5G is rumored to be a golden solution, the bearer of the "killer app" that will change the way we collectively live, work, and play. But how will this new connectivity standard really impact important advancements in the automotive and electronics industries? In this interactive workshop, you'll learn what you can expect from 5G in the near-to-mid future and how you can prepare for it. You will also participate in a group setting to see firsthand how 5G will impact each layer of autonomous driving, as well as how embedded systems technology can rise to meet the challenges ahead.

Wednesday, August 28
C & C++ vs. Python: The Rise of Scripting Languages
This session will explore the pros and cons of scripting languages versus compiled languages in the embedded system space. Topics to be covered include hardware constraints, library support, coding efficiency, readability, robustness, and real-time capability. Real-life examples of Python usage in Embedded Systems will be examined and future trends will be considered. Attendees will walk away armed with information to help them get started with Python and apply it in their next project.

A Deep Dive into Deep Learning
Deep learning, often called AI, has become an important workload for nearly every processor and end application, including data centers, automobile safety systems, smartphones, and even microcontroller-based consumer devices. This presentation will touch on the latest trends in deep-learning accelerators, such as sparse compute, spiking neural networks, and in-memory (analog) compute. It will also discuss how these accelerators are used across a range of end applications.

Thursday, August 29
Hack-Proofing Your C/C++ Code
While 85% of embedded designs use C and C++, these languages are notorious for allowing unsafe code practices that give hackers a way to attack. This session shows exactly how to keep your internet-connected product safe by writing your code properly the first time. Well-proven tools and techniques can be used to augment any software design paradigm and to effectively hack-proof your code. Techniques include coding conventions, automatic run-time error checking, manual compile-time and run-time assertions, static analysis, and the most common mistakes to avoid.

The official partners of Drive World and ESC include IEEE-USASAE InternationalEmbedded Vision AllianceLinley GroupVSI Labs, and Design News.

Media Contacts:
Audrey Uchimoto, AdvManufacturingPR@ubm.com, (310) 496-9423
Lauren Lloyd, AdvManufacturingPR@ubm.com, (310) 266-4792
Tam Nguyen, AdvManufacturingPR@ubm.com, (424) 410-9797

Connect with Drive World: #DriveWorldESC

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