Louisville, KY, July 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Appriss Health, provider of the most comprehensive platform for opioid stewardship and substance use disorder (SUD) in the U.S., today announced that it has partnered with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy (TSBP) to integrate prescription monitoring program (PMP) information into the electronic health record (EHR) systems of all prescribers and pharmacy management systems for all pharmacies in Texas with Appriss Health’s PMP Gateway solution. Additionally, the TSBP will make available the Appriss Health NarxCare susbstance use disorder platform designed to deliver additional clinical content to help identify patients at risk of an opioid overdose.
PMP Gateway is a managed service that enables access to PMP information and more within real-time care team workflow to help providers make more informed clinical decisions at the point-of-care.
NarxCare utilizes, analyzes, and presents information from the Texas PMP to enable clinicians to better identify patients that may be at risk for substance use disorder, overdose, and death. NarxCare equips these clinicians and care teams with advanced analytics, tools, technology, and invaluable insights that are presented and accessed within clinical workflow. NarxCare provides machine learning and artificial intelligence-based patient risk scores and other information in a visually interactive format to aid prescribers and pharmacists with clinical decision support. NarxCare also helps clinicians connect patients with additional resources within their community if needed, such as medication-assisted treatment.
“Our mission is to promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare by fostering the provision of quality pharmaceutical care to the citizens of Texas through the regulation of the practice of pharmacy, the operation of pharmacies, and the distribution of prescription drugs in the public interest,” said Allison Vordenbaumen Benz, R.Ph., M.S., Executive Director/Secretary of the TSBP. “By integrating the Texas PMP into clinical workflow, we are providing meaningful information to practitioners at the point of care to help identify elevated risk of substance use disorder and in turn, improve patient care.”
The statewide integration of the Texas NarxCare platform into EHRs and pharmacy management systems at the point-of-care increases the ease of access and use of PMP information for making critical clinical decisions, including the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances, as well as patient care and safety. Prior to this integration initiative, prescribers had to log in to separate systems to query patient information which took important time away from patient care. Integrations simplify the patient query process by making the PMP platform directly available to prescribers in their daily workflow.
“Substance use disorder is a public health crisis in Texas and all across the country,” said Rob Cohen, President, Appriss Health. “Working together with the TSBP to make the state’s PMP efficiently accessible to all providers state-wide enables them with the clinical decision support tools to truly help make an impact on this crisis.”
PMP information, analytics and more are now integrated into physician and pharmacist workflow through more than 130 EHRs and pharmacy management systems in 40 states via Appriss Health’s PMP Gateway solution.
Seventeen states, including Texas, have aligned with Appriss Health to sponsor state-wide adoption of PMP integrations for prescribers and/or pharmacists. And, more than 450,000 prescribers and pharmacists at nearly 80,000 facilities across the U.S. access 50 million reports per month with PMP Gateway.
Appriss Health is aligned with current legislative, grant funding, and government agency efforts to support the path forward for PMPs and the identification, prevention, management, and treatment of SUD. Appriss Health has created and maintains a highly effective integration connectivity infrastructure designed to maximize the effectiveness and use of PMP data and analytics within clinical workflows. This same infrastructure can accommodate rapid integration of the state PMPs within clinical workflow for more than 80% of all prescribers and pharmacists nationwide. The ability to effectively and efficiently drive integration of the Texas PMP within workflow in a timely manner for over 100,000 users is a critical component in the fight against the opioid crisis.
For more information and/or for healthcare entities to request an integration in Texas, please visit https://info.apprisshealth.com/txnarxcareintegrationrequest.
About Appriss Health
Appriss Health provides the nation's most comprehensive platform for early identification, prevention and management of substance use disorder (SUD). We provide state government agencies with the most advanced repository of controlled substance dispensing information, and deliver real-time clinical decision support, critical insights and interventions to physicians, pharmacists, and care team members through millions of patient encounters each year. Our solutions enable healthcare providers, pharmacists, and care team members to assess and manage clinical risk in order to positively impact patient safety and population health outcomes. For more information, please visit www.apprisshealth.com.