Study Identifies 299 Tech-Enabled Treatment Offerings In The Health & Human Service Market: An OPEN MINDS Analysis

Gettysburg, Pa, Sept. 17, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a nationwide analysis of health and human service care technology products, OPEN MINDS found 299 that offer tech-enabled treatment functionality. Tech-enabled treatment technology products are defined as those digital solutions that integrate across multiple platforms to provide and support client careThis category of technology solutions includes cognitive skill development software, symptom analysis software, drug administration and monitoring tools, clinical analysis software platforms, and non-pharmaceutical pain management tools.

Of the 299 products, 47% serve the primary care services market (142) and 128 serve the residential and non-hospital based acute care market.


Tech-Enabled Treatment Tech Products
by Health and Human Service Market
Primary Care142
Non-hospital based Acute Care128
Residential & Hospital-Based Acute Care115
Chronic Care Management104
Mental Health82
Retail Clinics & Urgent Care70
Long-Term Services and Supports68
Autism & I/DD Services26
Social Services (including Homeless)25
Children & Family Services19
Adult Corrections Health Care14
Payers-Health Plans-Care Managers10
Juvenile Justice6


A comprehensive list of tech-enabled treatment health care technology products is available at is the only online directory laser-focused on health care technology specifically for the Health and Human Services sector. With over 2,800 products, from nearly 1,000 vendors, and organized by 45 HHS-relevant categories, is the most comprehensive Health and Human Services technology resource.  connects providers and tech vendors, closes the gap between them, and restores order to what has been the chaos of understanding technology designed for the Health and Human Services sector.


OPEN MINDS is an award-winning information source, executive education provider, and business solutions firm specializing in the domains of health and human services serving consumers with chronic conditions and complex support needs. For thirty years, we’ve been pioneers for change – helping organizations implement the transformational business practices they need to succeed in an evolving market with new reimbursement, competition, policies and regulations.

OPEN MINDS is powered by a national team of experienced executives and subject matter experts with specific expertise and experience in nine key market areas – mental health, addictions, chronic conditions, autism and intellectual/developmental disabilities, long-term care, children’s services, social services, juvenile justice, and corrections health care. Our mission is to improve the quality of care for consumers with complex support needs by improving the effectiveness of those serving them – provider organizations, payer and insurance organizations, government agencies, pharmaceutical organizations, and technology firms. Learn more at


