Pro Teck Changes Name to Pro Teck Valuation Intelligence

Waltham, Massachusetts, Sept. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To better reflect the accuracy and transparency of its solutions, Pro Teck Valuation Services has changed its name to Pro Teck Valuation Intelligence.

Pro Teck has been a leader in providing fast, accurate and well supported valuations for more than 40 years. It has evolved from the days of polaroids and paper to empowering its National Network of 40,000 qualified real estate professionals with Pro Teck’s latest technology, data and analytics. 

“It started 12 years ago when we introduced CollateralPoint, one of the first innovative valuation products that integrated data and analytics with human expertise,” said Tom O’Grady, CEO of Pro Teck Valuation Intelligence. “Since then, we have built an array of intelligent products for all aspects of mortgage finance, servicing and investment.”  

Pro Teck’s production platform, Valuation Intelligence, uses robust market data and analytics to assist its appraiser and broker partners, inform internal QC operations and add report transparency for clients. “Valuation Intelligence enables us to deliver the industries’ most accurate and supported market values, an accomplishment worthy of a name change,” added O’Grady.

The company will be migrating to the new name and revised logo over the next few months.

About Pro Teck Valuation Intelligence

Pro Teck is a national provider of appraisal management and residential real estate valuation services. For more than 40 years, we have worked with lenders, loan servicers and investors to improve risk management through superior real estate collateral information. With a sharp focus on accuracy, speed and customer service, Pro Teck delivers a comprehensive suite of valuation products including appraisals, desktop appraisals, bifurcated appraisals, review/due diligence, BPOs and evaluations.

