OVERLAND PARK, Kan., Oct. 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TSANet (Technical Support Alliance Network), the industry’s largest vendor-neutral support alliance, announced that Scott Froehlich, Sr. Director, Global Support Delivery at Red Hat, was elected to the TSANet Board of Directors.
“Along with the TSANet Board and staff, we’re very pleased to have Scott on-board as the Red Hat representative. Scott brings a unique perspective on collaborative support and its importance to the overall support model. His impact has already been noticed by his contribution in our recent North America Focus group meeting,” said Dennis Smeltzer, TSANet president.
Scott is the Sr. Director of Global Support Delivery at Red Hat. He has been in the support business for more than 20 years and worked across multiple industries and countries. Scott has a depth of experience that provides perspective across Telecommunications, IT, Data Storage and Software industries. As a leader of a business of almost 1000 individuals, he brings that operational perspective and financial accountability to the execution of the mission at TSANet. Scott looks forward to putting his skills towards solving these multivendor issues faster and easier as a committed Board Member.
Scott joins the existing board members: René Karel (VMware), Deepak Chawla (Nutanix), Jim West (Citrix Systems), Kenny Loo (Dell EMC), Richard Long (Actian Corporation), Jennifer Lowry (Cisco Systems), Uwe Schaefer (Hewlett-Packard Enterprise), F. Duane Watkins (IBM), Michelle Huenink (Microsoft Corporation), and John Boggs (NetApp).
About TSANet
Founded in 1993, TSANet (Technical Support Alliance Network) is a worldwide, multivendor alliance that offers an industry-wide forum to facilitate servicing multivendor customers while providing an infrastructure for more efficient multivendor problem solving. Membership consists of more than five hundred software and hardware companies. TSANet can be reached at (913) 345-9311 or at www.tsanet.org.
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