World Geophysical & Exploration Leaders and Professionals Gather in Houston to Envision the Future at the IAGC’s 49th Annual Conference 26 February

The IAGC’s 2020 Conference, “20/20 Vision for Shaping the G&E Industry” will convene geophysical and exploration(G&E) industry professionals and policy officials from around the world.

Houston, TX US, Feb. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The IAGC 49th Annual Conference will feature top executives and experts in the geophysical and oil & natural gas exploration (“G&E”) industry. This year’s meeting centers on forming a clearer vision for sustainability and increasing awareness of the geophysical and exploration sector of the oil and natural gas industry as a key part of the solution to solving energy issues of today and the future.  Because oil and natural gas will remain a staple energy source that will be needed for decades to come, the annual conference, 20/20 Vision for Shaping the G&E Industry explores the critical role of the exploration industry in this new decade, geopolitical influences, new and emerging energy powerhouses, and other issues around the world that may impact the industry from the United States and Europe, to Africa and the Asia Pacific region.

The IAGC is the only organization in the world where the leading C-suite and G&E industry professionals convene to exchange ideas and best practices for the industry.  With advanced programming and networking events on G&E industry matters, the IAGC 49th Annual Conference offers customized, exclusive opportunities for professionals, including hearing from prominent industry leaders on key global issues.

Leading the list of renown speakers is the Honorable Karl Rove.  Mr. Rove is the former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush coordinating the White House policy-making process. He will discuss the 2020 U.S. Presidential election outlook and its potential impact on domestic energy policy as well as the global energy landscape.

Other distinguished speakers include Dr. Scott Tinker of the University of Texas at Austin and Dr. Michelle Michot Foss of the Baker Institute of Rice University. During the Considerations in the Energy Transition session, Drs. Tinker and Michot Foss will explore the role of oil and gas in the energy transition and the impacts of industry technologies that significantly increase the efficiency of exploration and production and delivery of these resources while reducing potential impacts on the environment.  Verner Ayukegba, Senior Vice President for International Policy at African Energy Chamber will discuss the need for African nations to be in more control of their own energy future which includes the exploration, production and use of oil and gas to help lift citizens out of poverty.

This year’s Exploration Executive Outlook Panel features:  Kevin McLachlan, Senior Vice President Exploration – Total; Bjørn Inge Braathen, Senior Vice President Exploration, North America – Equinor; Martin Stauble, Vice President Exploration, North America & Brazil – Shell; and Mike Cousins, Senior Vice President, Exploration and New Ventures – ExxonMobil.  These executives will share industry priorities and goals of their respective companies in this next decade.

"The IAGC has put on stellar conferences in the past, but this one will be like no other, exploring the many facets of the G&E industry’s role in safely and responsibly exploring and delivering the oil and natural gas resources that will be needed for decades to come to advance the world’s citizens. We are so proud to host this distinguished group of speakers and sponsors from around the world to focus on accelerating the world’s exploration efforts and expanding its energy possibilities,” said Nikki Martin, president of the IAGC. “This year’s conference features our most impressive lineup of speakers to date and is geared toward providing stimulating dialogue that inspires industry professionals and the entire G&E industry to value our role in lifting countries out of poverty and connecting the world to energy for generations to come."

Registration remains open until the day of the conference with on-site registration available.  Oil and gas exploration and production professionals are invited and encouraged to attend. The conference will be held Wednesday, February 26, 2019 at the Marriott Marquis Houston located at 1777 Walker Street, Houston, TX 77010. The cost per attendee is $250 for members and $300 for nonmembers; onsite registration cost is $300. The event will include breakfast, lunch and a networking reception. To register, click HERE or visit the IAGC at

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About the IAGC

The IAGC represents more than 80 member companies worldwide from all segments of the geophysical and exploration industry. The IAGC supports and fosters science- and risk-based regulations consistent with existing practices that are proven to be environmentally responsible, effective and operationally feasible. For 49 years, the IAGC has worked to optimize the business and regulatory climate and enhance public understanding to support a strong, viable geophysical and exploration industry essential to discovering and delivering the world's energy resources.


IAGC's 49th Annual Conference, Houston, TX IAGC's 48th Annual Conference Technical Panel, 2019.


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