We Clean COVID19 Decontaminates Homes & Businesses Amidst Pandemic

Canadian Company Joins the Fight in Controlling the Spread of Viruses and Pathogens in Local Communities

Attention:  News, Environment, Business, Health, Wellness, Lifestyle, Real Estate, and Food & Beverage

TORONTO, April 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As more and more Ontarians are afflicted with the deadly coronavirus, We Clean COVID19 Inc. (“WeCleanCOVID19.ca”) has joined the fight to control the spread and help flatten the curve. HAZMAT abatement and the decontamination/sanitization of new homes, resale homes, rental homes, commercial and industrial properties are the Company’s main focus. Emergency cleaning services for COVID-19 outbreaks are also available.

“There’s an inherent need to control the conditions in our homes and businesses in order to reduce the chance of the virus spreading. Our goal is to help protect our communities and join the fight in preventing the further spread of this pandemic,” said Co-Founder, We Clean COVID19 Inc., Mitchell Moshenberg. “Private residences, businesses, commercial properties and even new homes need to be thoroughly decontaminated.”

COVID-19 has spread across the province so rapidly that more than 15,700 Ontarians have been afflicted and the virus has caused over 990 deaths since the outbreak. The need for proper decontamination is crucial to help control this pandemic. WeCleanCOVID19.ca has already taken action and started Level One precautionary cleaning and sanitization to control the spread within new builds, rental units and community homes.

“At Regeneration Community Services, our first priority is the safety and well-being of our client members and staff.  We ensure that each new resident will walk into their new home feeling safe knowing that a Level One cleaning has been completed.  This provides them with confidence that they are being protected,” said Alison Hunt, Executive Director.  “As a non-profit Mental Health and Addiction agency, we are so grateful to WeCleanCOVID19.ca for providing pro-bono services to help protect our communities’ most vulnerable citizens and flatten the curve.”   

Deep Cleaning, Disinfection and Sanitization to Help Flatten the Curve
Because the COVID-19 virus may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days, residential, commercial and industrial spaces need to be properly disinfected to control further spread of the virus.

Cleaning refers to the removal of dirt, grime or particles from surfaces. Disinfecting refers to the use of chemicals to kill germs from surfaces. Utilizing both methods controls the levels of adenosine triphosphate (“ATP”). Lowered levels of ATP reduces the risk of spread of infections such as SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19).

WeCleanCOVID19.ca offers various levels of service including: disinfecting and sanitization of spaces using EPA approved products such as Myco Mold Control and Benefect Decon 30 (only available to licensed HAZMAT abatement professionals); specific care (with hand wiping) of high contact surfaces such as tables, counters, switches, door handles, faucets, machines/appliances, etc., utilizing disinfectants deployed with professional foggers and spray/atomization systems to reach all surfaces without any residue; indoor and outdoor decontamination (power washing and other methods used for outdoor spaces); deep cleaning; etc.

Instilling Peace of Mind
WeCleanCOVID19.ca controls the level of ATP from all touch zones within the space cleaned to a level that inhibits the COVID-19 virus to exist. After each cleaning, an environmental engineer inspects the property, conducts a swab test to ensure the ATP levels are safe and provides a certificate so anyone entering the premises will know it has been Level One cleaned and sanitized and is safe to enter.

Along with providing HAZMAT abatement, the Company is also helping the workforce in several communities. “Sadly this pandemic has cost many their jobs or caused companies to reduce employee hours, so we encourage any qualified individuals looking for work to contact us for current job opportunities,” added Moshenberg.

WeCleanCovid19.ca Quick Tips

  • Physical distancing of at least two meters (six feet)
  • Regular washing of hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, including between the fingers and thumbs and around/under nails (alcohol based hand sanitizer can also be used)
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; cough or sneeze into your sleeve if you don’t have a tissue or handkerchief
  • Regular cleaning – don’t forget that there’s a difference between cleaning and disinfecting; just because space(s) have been cleaned to remove dirt and grime it doesn’t mean it has been disinfected to remove germs. To properly disinfect one must use a cleaner that has been labelled as a “disinfectant”; these can be found in most grocery, home improvement, household utility stores and pharmacies
  • Masks are encouraged to be worn as many can be asymptomatic and therefore could infect others
  • For CDC compliance, deep cleaning and sanitization of any space hire a professional HAZMAT abatement professional

About We Clean COVID19 Inc. (“WeCleanCOVID19.ca”)
A Canadian company, WeCleanCOVID19.ca was founded in March 2020 by construction professionals Mitchell Moshenberg and Louis Paulozza. Experts in the construction and building restoration industry for more than 25 years, WeCleanCOVID19 specializes in the control of ATP levels to reduce the presence of viruses and pathogens and the abatement of hazardous materials, for residential, commercial and industrial properties. Current projects include rental apartments, resale home market and new homebuilders that recognize the need to provide peace of mind to all homeowners in the GTA.

For more information, visit: wecleancovid19.ca.

Social Media
Facebook: WeCleanCovid19
Twitter: @wecleancovid19
Instagram: @wecleancovid19                                                                    

For more information or to speak with Mitchell Moshenberg, Co-Founder, We Clean COVID19 Inc.:

Pamela Singh
Korrelation Communications
Tel: 647-772-1974
Email: pamela@korrelation.ca