Michael Engmann announces the release of his latest publication ‘Socialism For The Dummies’

New political book explains why the Democrats’ 2020 ‘FREE’ platform will ruin America

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Michael Engmann, the author that brought readers a comprehensive study of the causes of political corruption, marks his return in the publishing stage with another book that will allow them to look closely at the looming threat to the political and economic system in America.


“Socialism For The Dummies” (published by Xlibris) examines the political topics of the day and the socialistic agenda that the Democratic Party is pushing for the country. The 2020 Democratic policy platform details a plan to change America from an entrepreneurial country into one that is run by elite politicians and their bureaucrats, otherwise called a socialistic state. In this book, Engmann discusses how the logical foundation put forth by socialists has no credibility and how human nature is at odds with the assumptions made in socialistic theory.


“The American capitalistic system is under attack by the socialistic policies of the Democratic party. If implemented, those policies will destroy our great country,” the author states. “I wrote this book to expose the false narrative that promotes socialism as a good alternative to capitalism.”


By showing how the traditional American values and the free enterprise system are superior to socialism, Engmann hopes readers will be able to vote wisely in the coming 2020 elections. His book is available for purchase at https://www.xlibris.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/816508-socialism-for-the-dummies.


“Socialism For The Dummies”

By Michael Engmann

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 114 pages | ISBN 9781664119895

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 114 pages | ISBN 9781664119901

E-Book | 114 pages | ISBN 9781664119635

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Michael Engmann has founded numerous small businesses in the investment field. He was one of the original options market makers on the Pacific Stock Exchange in 1976. In 1978, he founded Engmann Options, Inc. as a trading organization. He founded Sage Clearing Corporation in 1980 to clear professional market makers. Engmann then created the public brokerage house Preferred Trade in 1982. In 2001, he took control of RevereData, a small information data provider to the securities industry. In addition to his fully owned businesses, Engmann has been an angel investor in many start-ups and fledgling companies. His experience with the problems of small businesses in regard to regulation and competition with big business has given him an insight into why small businesses are crucial to growth in America. As an expert with 40 years of experience in the investment field, he has an excellent understanding of both macro and microeconomics. Understanding political policy has also been an important element of Engmann’s success as an investor. In addition, his experience with trading and traders has provided him with an excellent understanding of people's behavior when the reward of their activity is not tied directly to their risk involved in it. His first book, “Greed is Good, Big is Bad,” which was published in 2014 discusses the causes of political corruption.

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