Green 5G: Energy-Saving Strategies Market Study 2020

Dublin, Sept. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Green 5G: Energy-Saving Strategies" report has been added to's offering.

This report analyses the ways in which environmental concerns are being factored into 5G rollouts.

It is highly likely that 5G will drive an increase in networks' consumption, as it enables a growing number of uses, employs new frequency bands and requires increased network density, moving beyond the confines of classic broadband.
That said, a host of initiatives are focused on optimising per-unit consumption levels. This report takes a look at a number of solutions designed to reduce and optimise energy consumption (AI, sleep modes, virtualisation, etc.).

The world's leading telecom manufacturers, equipment suppliers and operators are working to adopt these energy-saving solutions which, more and more, are being seen as selling points.
This report examines the strategies of some 20 market players, providing detailed analysis for ten of them.

The report answers the following questions:

  • How will 5G change network consumption?
  • What are the main (current and future) avenues for reducing 5G's consumption?
  • How are equipment suppliers tackling energy-saving issues?
  • Which operators have the greenest strategic plans and most ambitious carbon-neutrality targets?

Key Topics Covered

1. Executive Summary

2. Factors Behind Mobile Networks' Increased Consumption
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Traffic surging on all fronts
2.3. Network topologies highly influenced by a spectrum
2.4. Increased network density, the key to mapping the rise in consumption
2.5. Core network also affected by increased density
2.6. Development of Massive MIMO
2.7. More transmission sources mean more consumption
2.8. 5G performances driving increased energy consumption

3. Energy Savings and Optimisation Solutions
3.1. Summary: main paths to reducing energy consumption
3.2. Base stations' advanced sleep modes
3.3. Reducing massive MIMO systems' energy consumption
3.4. Role of AI (Machine Learning) in energy saving
3.5. Progress in semiconductors and optimising existing systems
3.6. Replacing old networks' (2G/3G/4G) equipment
3.7. Flexible spectrum sharing for an efficient transition to 4G/5G
3.8. Access network virtualisation and resource sharing

4. Players' Positioning
4.1. Summary: equipment suppliers' positioning
4.2. Comparison of equipment suppliers' approach to energy savings

  • Huawei
  • Nokia
  • Ericsson
  • Samsung

4.3. Summary: operators' positioning
4.4. How players are positioned on energy consumption.

  • Orange
  • AT&T
  • China Mobile
  • Telefonica
  • Vodafone

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