EPCOR’s Heart + Soul Fund is helping the people who help the people who need it most

EDMONTON, Alberta, Nov. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As part of its commitment to provide $1.25 million to help uplift Edmontonians and revitalize our community, EPCOR is pleased to announce the fifth wave of Heart + Soul Fund recipients: the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters, Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts, YWCA Edmonton and Edmonton’s Food Bank.

Funding is being provided to support these organizations in adapting their fundraising efforts in the changing landscape brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic so they can continue to deliver vital services to Edmontonians.

“As we head into winter, the need for food, shelter, mental health and family violence supports will only grow,” said Stuart Lee, President and CEO, EPCOR. “We are inspired by each of the community-serving organizations we’re supporting, and their many dedicated staff and volunteers that are providing a lifeline to so many people in our city, every day.”

The Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters has developed the “Leading Change Expansion Pack,” which includes local artwork, activities, exercises, experiences and more. With support through the Heart + Soul Fund, some 1,000 boxes will be distributed over the next three months to spark dialogue, education, and engage men in helping bring about a change in culture to end violence against women. For more information, visit acws.ca.

“EPCOR's Heart + Soul Fund will raise the volume on the conversation about the role of men and boys in ending violence against women,” said Jan Reimer, Executive Director, Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters. “This project is an innovative, dynamic and personal opportunity for people to participate in social change. Thanks to EPCOR's support, a personal experience will be delivered to each subscriber offering reflection and an invitation to engage towards informed action as a change-maker.’”

The Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts serves adults with developmental disabilities. EPCOR funding will support increased studio time for the centre’s 230 artists by increasing staffing hours and helping to build a “virtual art studio.” The new studio will enable the filming of art classes and the creation of art kits that will be sold to the public, helping to foster a sustainable fundraising stream. For more information, visit thenina.ca.

"The support from the Heart + Soul Fund is incredibly impactful and will allow us to invest in proper video equipment to film art sessions for our artists that can’t be in the studios with us due to compromised immune systems and COVID-19,” said Rona Fraser, CEO of the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts. “The funding will also provide us with start up support for our new Art Box fundraiser that will allow the community to purchase art boxes, complete with all supplies, to create unique projects safely from home. Proceeds from this initiative will help pay for the additional hours we must open to support the safety of in-studio artists."

Starting November 25, YWCA Edmonton will host a number of online events throughout the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, including a speaker’s series and a live virtual Rose Campaign event taking place on December 4. EPCOR is supporting the Rose Campaign to raise funds to provide trauma-informed mental health programming and advocacy. For more information, visit ywcaofedmonton.org.

“The pandemic has impacted women and girls particularly hard in many ways, and YWCA Edmonton is working tirelessly to ensure no one is left behind in our community during this unprecedented time,” said Katherine O’Neill, CEO, YWCA Edmonton. “EPCOR’s Heart + Soul Fund is empowering our 113-year-old organization to quickly meet these challenges head on, including helping domestic violence survivors receive life-challenging mental health support and advocating to ensure women’s participation in the economy doesn’t slide back decades.”

From December 10 – 17, CBC’s Make the Season Kind campaign, in support of Edmonton’s Food Bank will raise funds and collect donations of frozen turkeys to help feed those in need over the holiday season. EPCOR’s Heart + Soul Fund will help to match cash donations during the campaign. For more information, visit edmontonsfoodbank.com.

"COVID-19 has brought new challenges for everyone in our community,” said Marjorie Bencz, Executive Director, Edmonton’s Food Bank. “EPCOR's Heart + Soul Fund's support of Make the Season Kind will provide a lifeline to those in need of food this festive season. Because of your heart and soul, we are able to continue to do what we do best: feeding people and serving those in need, as we have since 1981."

Quick Facts:

  • EPCOR’s investment in COVID-19 pandemic relief and recovery totals $2 million in 2020. This includes:
    °  $1.25 million Heart + Soul Fund by EPCOR.
    °  $300,000 for the United Way and Edmonton Community Foundation.
    °  $82,000 for local Edmonton charities from employee matching campaign.
    °  More than $400,000 in top-up support for EPCOR’s existing Edmonton community partners and recovery efforts in the other jurisdictions EPCOR operates.
  • The $2 million for pandemic relief and recovery efforts is in addition to the $1 million EPCOR provides annually in community support.

For more information contact:

Adam Sidon
Media Relations


EPCOR, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, builds, owns and operates electrical, natural gas and water transmission and distribution networks, water and wastewater treatment facilities, sanitary and stormwater systems, and infrastructure in Canada and the United States. The Company also provides electricity, natural gas and water products and services to residential and commercial customers. EPCOR, headquartered in Edmonton, is an Alberta Top 75 employer.

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