IAGC pleased NMFS finally moving on Gulf of Mexico Rule Incidental Take Authorization

Houston, TX, Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Houston, Texas, US, December 9, 2020 – Dustin Van Liew, IAGC Vice President of Regulatory & Governmental Affairs today issues the following statement regarding the Department of Commerce’s National Marine Fisheries Service’s Gulf of Mexico Incidental Take Authorization Final Rule.

 “The IAGC is pleased that the National Marine Fisheries Service has finally issued a Marine Mammal Protection Act regulatory framework governing geological and geophysical (G&G) activities in the Gulf of Mexico. The new regulations establish rigorous and, in some instances, overly burdensome requirements for G&G activities.

 “The new regulations are also premised upon assumed impacts that drastically overestimate the actual impacts of the G&G industry, which have been carried out for more than 50 years in the Gulf of Mexico without noticeable impacts on marine mammals, other marine life, or fisheries.  Nonetheless, the IAGC is hopeful that this decision will result in a more predictable regulatory environment for G&G activities, which are essential to well-planned and environmentally responsible oil and gas exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico.”


About the IAGC

Founded in 1971, the IAGC is the global trade association for the geophysical and exploration industry, the cornerstone of the energy industry.  With member companies in 50 countries, our membership includes onshore and offshore survey operators and acquisition companies, data and processing providers, exploration and production companies, equipment and software manufacturers, industry suppliers, and service providers. The IAGC supports and fosters science- and risk-based regulations consistent with existing practices that are proven to be environmentally responsible, effective and operationally feasible. ​

