The report of the Board of Directors and the financial statements presented were adopted by the general meeting today.
The general meeting adopted the proposal from the Board of Directors to pay a dividend of DKK 5,00 per DKK 20 share.
Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen, Hans O. Damgaard, Pernille Fabricius and Søren B. Lauritsen were re-elected to the Board of Directors.
The general meeting re-elected KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as the Company’s auditor.
The Board of Directors received its authorization to acquire the company’s treasury shares up to a total value of DKK 7.6 million, the equivalent of 20% of it’s share capital,against a fee which corresponds to the buy price listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen at the time of acquisition, plus or minus a margin of 10%. The authorisation will be valid for five years from the date of the general meeting.
Proposal from the Board of Directors concerning Remuneration Policy and amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association were also approved. The remuneration policy will be published on the Company's website.