Decisions adopted on the extraordinary general meeting of Den Jyske Sparekasse A/S held on 13 January 2021 regarding the merger with Vestjysk Bank

13 January 2021

With reference to the company announcement previously issued by Vestjysk Bank A/S ("Vestjysk Bank") regarding the course of Vestjysk Bank's extraordinary general meeting of 13 January 2021, it is hereby announced that Vestjysk Bank has received notification of the result of the extraordinary general meeting of Den Jyske Sparekasse A/S ("Den Jyske Sparekasse").

The general meeting of Den Jyske Sparekasse has also adopted the proposal to execute the merger between Vestjysk Bank and Den Jyske Sparekasse.

The only outstanding condition for the merger between Vestjysk Bank and Den Jyske Sparekasse is the receipt of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority's final approval for the proposed merger in accordance with section 204 of the Danish Financial Business Act, which is expected tomorrow, Thursday 14 January 2021, where the registration at the Danish Business Authority is also expected to be completed.

13 January 2021

Vestjysk Bank A/S

The Board of directors

Vestjysk Bank A/S
Torvet 4-5
DK-7620 Lemvig
Telephone +45 96 63 20 00

CVR-nr. 34 63 13 28