Cognetics EXCEL Supplement is Super-Food for the Brain and Mind

Cognetics EXCEL Plans Retail Expansion for its Multi-Faceted Brain Supplement

PALM BEACH, FL, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Everyone wants to access 100 percent of their brain power.

The Cognetics Group has developed a nootropic called EXCEL, which may not access the entire brain, but the multi-faceted supplement was developed to improve mental acuity.

“Millions of people suffer from lack of focus, brain fog, poor memory, and decreased motivation and productivity,” said Matthew Denneny, managing director and founder of Cognetics Group. “Cognetics EXCEL is super-food for the brain.”

Cognetics EXCEL’s formula includes nine powerful and effective natural ingredients, such as Lion’s Mane, Choline Bitartrate, N-Acetyl Carnitine, Tyrosine, Theanine, Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Huperzine A, and Rhodiola Rosea.

Not only does Cognetics list details and research on all of its ingredients on its website, but the company also explains nootropics, how they work, and why consumers can benefit from using them.

“We believe in complete transparency,” Denneny said. “We believe an informed consumer is our best customer.”

Consumers are trying Cognetics EXCEL for many reasons.

Jorge tried EXCEL because he wanted “consistent focus and alertness.”

“Cognetics has an excellent product,” Jorge said. “This was the first nootropic I tried, and it provides a clean, consistent focus and alertness that allows you to explode your creativity, productivity, and memory for hours at a time.”

Added another consumer, Rachael: “Absolutely love this product. I've not had clarity and concentration like this in years. I've even got my naturopath onto it. Just about to go buy some more. Keep up the great work guys.”

Denneny said consumers today, especially since the pandemic began, are now prioritizing being physically and mentally healthy.

“Everyone would live a healthy lifestyle in a perfect world,” Denneny said. “Unfortunately, people work two jobs, shuttle their kids from band practice to dance recitals and a million things that make it easy to skip exercising, eat fast foods and not get enough sleep.

Denneny said Cognetics EXCEL is perfect for the harried and rushed American consumer in 2021.

“We encourage everyone to adopt healthy habits and combine these habits with our Cognetics EXCEL formulation, which can truly unleash your full potential.”

For more information, visit Cognetics Excel online, or



Attachments, a popular health and wellness website, now carries Cognetics EXCEL, a  multi-faceted supplement, which was developed to improve mental acuity.
Cognetics EXCEL’s formula includes nine powerful and effective natural ingredients, such as Lion’s Mane, Choline Bitartrate, N-Acetyl Carnitine, Tyrosine, Theanine, Bacopa Monnieri, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Huperzine A, and Rhodiola Rosea.
