UPDATE: BioFit Probiotic: [No Clinical Research] Yet People Lost 72 Pounds! How?

This BioFit Probiotic review gives you the latest on GoBioFIT. Can it be used to lose weight, and stay lean while doing so? Report with research by Marketing by Rouge.

West Palm Beach, FL , April 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “Is BioFit Probiotic good for weight loss? Go to the GoBioFit homepage for BioFit Weight Loss supplement.” Report by Marketing by Rouge

"The BioFit weight loss supplement features four unique probiotic strains known to relieve gut health disturbances like digestion issues, extra belly fat and stomach twitching, but whether Nature’s Formulas and Chrissie Miller’s BioFit probiotic tablets actually work remains to be seen. As a result of many of the online product reviewers trying to make money through affiliate commissions, you should take precaution to avoid internet scams." Marketing by Rouge

Each bottle, which can be purchased from the official website GoBioFit.com

BioFit is being touted as a natural fat burner supplement which features seven tremendously powerful probiotic breeds which assist reduce gastrointestinal disturbances resulting in quicker weight reduction advantages.

It’s not any secret that slimming down is also a very difficult procedure for the majority of people.

Weight Loss Using Probiotics

This BioFit product employs an entirely new strategy to losing weight, which is unlike traditional fat burning supplements that use a variety of plant and fruit extracts. Instead, BioFit is designed with probiotics that are designed to help in weight loss.

Does BioFit Probiotic Work?

Check the GoBioFit website for BioFit Weight Loss Supplement.

As per the official website [GoBioFit.com] that states, the formula of BioFit Probiotic, the body enhances weight loss speed and can let you drop at least three pounds every week. Moreover, the dietary supplement does not require exercise, but exercises or diets can help you lose weight faster.


Several customers who used the BioFit weight loss formula reported they had lost 72 pounds or more. Based on Chrissie Miller and the BioFit formulators, some customers have reported losing 72 pounds or more.

Uses: Healthy Bacteria

  • Bacillus Subtilis – Bifidobacterium breve is a bacterial species of the genus Bifidobacterium which has probiotic properties.
  • Lactobacillus Casei – Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS), which is contained in the probiotic-fermented milkdrink Yakult, has over 75 years’ history of safe consumption and proven health benefits, supported by extensive scientific research focused mainly on its reduction of functional and infectious gut diseases.
  • The administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Lactobacillus ingluviei is associated with weight gain, whereas the administration of L. plantarum and Lactobacillus gasseri is associated with weight loss in obese humans and animals


However, I was not able to find reviews on AMAZON. Most of the reviews are created by marketing / health review companies who make money and have never taken the product.

Order >> BioFit probiotic formula to help with weight loss >>

The Reality of Fat Loss

In an age when millions of Americans suffer the hardships of obesity, it is vital for those looking to lose weight to find a steady, healthy lifestyle. For the healthiest, most effective weight loss process, what works for you is precisely the key to healthy weight loss. In the long run, obesity can lead to many deadly conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and several other issues. Shredding excess fat has then become a matter of life or death for many people.

Medical professionals regularly recommend patients stay away from scam weight loss supplements. A new supplement and “special formula” is developed every few years, promising to help people lose up to fifty pounds within one year. In general, people should not expect too much from supplements, but they should not have high expectations for them either. Also, supplements might help you lose weight, but they only work if you do your part. Exercising, lifting weights, and running can help create a caloric deficit while working on your diet.

>> Buy from BioFit website

BioFit Probiotic Supplement – What Is It?

Probiotics are live microorganisms promoted with claims that they provide health benefits when consumed, generally by improving or restoring the gut flora. Probiotics are considered generally safe to consume but may cause bacteria-host interactions and unwanted side effects in rare cases. Source: WIKIPEDIA

In other words, a probiotic in your body can assist improve your health and make the body more functional. Due to the lifestyle we lead, these probiotics in the body may decrease so that you lose stomach, metabolism, and digestion.

Does BioFit Probiotics help you lose weight while keeping your body healthy?

>> The supplement works effectively so that it does not need you to change your lifestyle.

>> Buy from goBiofit.com

As per the product’s creators, as long as you regularly take the supplement and follow its suggested dose, you are expected to get rid of at least 3 pounds in your fat frame every week.

Although you do not need to exercise or eat healthy to take BioFit Probiotic, it is still advisable as the supplement only focuses on weight loss while exercise and diet can provide more health benefits.

“With the smart spore in BioFit Probiotic, we keep the probiotics alive, extending their shelf life.” Source: GoBioFit.com

With the smart spore’s shell-like structure, the probiotics are entirely shielded from harsh temperatures or stomach acid, making BioFit Probiotic even more efficient and effective.

The BioFit Probiotic supplement is a product that contains no harmful stimulants or artificial additives. It has been manufactured following the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

Is BioFit Probiotic Free Of Side Effects?

As a matter of fact, the product manufacturer claims that there are no side effects related to using the product.

However, even the most perfect weight loss routine sometimes falls short. This is when supplements can fill the gap and help you lose those stubborn fat pounds. Taking the right supplement could make consumers feel as well as look their best as losing weight can have this effect and improve your quality of life at the same time.

>> Buy from BioFit website <<

Probiotics, including BioFit, are part of a broader category of supplements. Probiotic supplements are generally targeted at the gastrointestinal tract, although certain probiotics also help the body outside of this region. Probiotic supplements go a long way to improving gut health as they help boost the body’s natural bacteria.

>> Buy from BioFit website

Not all bacteria are harmful.

Studies suggest that healthy bacteria in the colon and intestines might play a significant role in weight loss. Several factors affect weight loss, including digestion, bowel movements, and metabolic rate, all controlled by the gut and its healthy bacteria.

Would BioFit help you lose weight?

Many supplements make huge claims but fail to live up to their claims. We suggest that you watch the video here and review >> Make an informed purchasing decision about this new weight loss probiotic supplement.

How Does BioFit Work?

BioFit provides the probiotic strains your gut needs for gut health, and you enjoy various benefits for this.

According to the sales page, BioFit has worked for many people. Lose up to 72 pounds of weight with minimal changes to diet and exercise.

  1. The website also claims no reported side effects
  2. Natural probiotic ingredients
  3. Eat all of your favorite foods while still losing a significant amount of weight.
  4. Take one capsule per day.
  5. Backed by 180-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee

>> Buy from BioFit website

Probiotics work differently for everyone. If your gut already has healthy bacteria, you might not benefit from taking probiotics. You’re already in balance internally, and you operate at peak performance.

Why Does Biofit Work for Weight Loss?

Does Biofit interact with medications?

If you are taking a prescription medication, consult your healthcare provider to determine if this formula is right for you.

How should users take Biofit?

>> To achieve the desired results, the user will only need to consume one serving a day. It is recommended that a glass of water be consumed along with the supplement to boost digestion further.

Check the website for details. >>>> Buy from goBiofit.com

How long does a Biofit bottle last?

>> The average person will last for 30 days on this product before needing another bottle. However, if the user decides to take more than one capsule daily, the bottle may be consumed faster but follow guidelines.

When users go to the checkout, they can choose how many bottles they wish to invest in to not waste any time. Always check safety rules per the website.

Who Created Biofit?

Biofit was developed by Nature’s Formulas, a woman named Chrissie Miller, who collaborated with her husband to create a probiotic supplement.

The Nature’s Formulas company has been in business for over twenty-five years and has helped nearly half a million people improve their health and well-being. As per the company’s vision statement, I found:

“Our mission is to improve the health and happiness of the world. We will do this by focusing on these core ideas: Provide breakthrough information about natural health that is simple and easy to understand and use.”

Is there an expiry date on BioFit?

Yes, BioFit is good for two years after the manufacturer’s date of manufacture, which can be found on the bottle. If this date cannot be found, we recommend contacting customer service.

>> Buy from BioFit website

Are BioFit capsules vegan-friendly?

Natural Formulas ensures that the capsules are made with Hypromellose and, both of which are compatible with a vegan lifestyle.

BioFit Probiotic Reviews: Scam Complaints with Side Effects? >> Buy from BioFit website

BioFit claims to support healthy weight loss.

BioFit uses several probiotic strains to promote quick weight loss since these probiotics support digestion in different ways, making it easier for you to lose weight.

How effective is BioFit? Does it work? Or is this just a diet pill that you find everywhere?

>> Let’s take a closer look at BioFit and how it works. >>

Does medical science support the benefits of BioFit?

BioFit claims that its formula has helped thousands of people shed significant amounts of weight. However, you can’t take a miracle diet pill, eat whatever you want, and sit on the couch all day and expect to lose significant amounts of weight, despite what BioFit suggests.

The makers of BioFit claim to contain clinically proven ingredients. Still, they have not published any clinical research on their formula as a whole, nor have they published any of their probiotic study in scientific journals.

Although there is some evidence that the probiotics in BioFit can help you lose weight, there is still no evidence they can help you lose more than 70 pounds without diet and exercise.

Most probiotic supplements contain 1 billion to 10 billion colony-forming units (CFU) per dose. Some supplements contain 50 billion CFU or more. However, higher CFU counts do not necessarily mean the supplement is more effective.

BioFit is a pretty decent probiotic supplement — but much more expensive. Although BioFit has a high dose of probiotic formula, it’s still significantly more costly than many other formulas, and there’s little scientific evidence that it works.

Can You Get a Refund on BioFit?

As per its website: BioFit comes with a 180 day (6 months) refund policy. However, since the product is new, we have not received any evidence of refunds. Like buying any product, read the fine print and buy the product using a credit card provider with a good chargeback policy.

The good news is that the company offers: email and phone on the website.



Resources Credits:

BioFit Probiotic Reviews – GoBioFit Weight Loss Supplement Works or Customer Complaints? Review by FitLivings

Despite being a natural supplement, Chrissie Miller’s BioFit pills are still not suitable to use for certain people which include:

  • People below the age of 18 years
  • Females who are expecting
  • Lactating mothers
  • People with any pre-existing medical conditions
  • People taking sessions for immunotherapy
  • People already consuming a pharmaceutical medicine or any other supplement for any underlying medical issue
  • People indulged in sessions of hormonal therapy

>> Source: apnews.com

Final Words:

If you want a free Guide like this, bookmark our page. If you are a product reviewer and wish to provide feedback so we can update your feedback, contact >>

Marketing by Rouge

Marketing by Rouge is a freelance journalist who exists to give information on several products. If you would like to have your product reviewed, please contact us as we do NOT charge product reviews (except affiliate commission).

Content Disclosure: If you purchase a product from our links, we will be compensated.

When purchasing any product from the link, do your investigation. Check with your physician We are not responsible for your loss.

>> Buy from BioFit website

References from product owner:


  1. Kim, Jooheen,, Jae Moon Yun, Mi Kyung Kim, Oran Kwon, and Belong Cho (2018). Lactobacillus gasseri BNR17 Supplementation Reduces the Visceral Fat Accumulation and Waist Circumference in Obese Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Journal of Medicinal FoodVol. 21, No. 5.Retrieved From: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/jmf.2017.3937
  2. Nozawa, Mai (2015). Morinaga Milk Industry: Probiotic Supplementation Causes Fat Loss in Overweight Adults. Business Wire, Berkshire Hathaway Company.Retrieved From: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150624005038/en/Morinaga-Milk-Industry-Probiotic-Supplementation-Fat-Loss
  3. Carlota, Maria, Dao Amandine, Everard Karine, Clément Patrice, D.Can (2016). Losing weight for a better health: Role for the gut microbiota. Clinical Nutrition Experimental Volume 6, April 2016, Pages 39-58.Retrieved From: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352939315000202
  4. Sanchez, Maria (2013). Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus CGMCC1.3724 supplementation on weight loss and maintenance in obese men and women. British Journal of Nutrition, 2014 Apr 28;111(8):1507-19.Retrieved From: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24299712/
  1. Tran, Thu Hoa,Le Hong Duc,Rachele Isticato, Loredana Baccigalupi,Ezio Ricca, Pham Hung Van,and Simon M. Cutting. (2001) Fate and Dissemination of Bacillus subtilis Spores in a Murine Model. Applied Environmental Ecology, 2001 Sep; 67(9): 3819–3823.Retrieved From: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC93096/
  2. Bobae Kim,Jeonghyeon Kwon,Min-Seok Kim,Haryung Park,Yosep Ji,Wilhelm Holzapfel,Chang-Kee Hyun (2018). Protective effects of Bacillus probiotics against high-fat diet-induced metabolic disorders in mice. PLOS ONE.Retrieved From: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0210120
  3. J. Minami et al. (2015). Oral administration of Bifidobacterium breve B-3 modifies metabolic functions in adults with obese tendencies in a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Nutritional Science, vol.4, e17;1-7, 2015.Retrieved From: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4463018/
  4. Akshat, Rathi. (2016) Can’t lose weight? You might be able to blame it on your parents—and their gut bacteria. Quartz.Retrieved From: https://qz.com/791056/twins-study-links-gut-bacteria-to-body-fat/
  5. This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Original Source of the original story >> BioFit Reviews: Probiotic Weight Loss Supplement – Does BioFit Probiotic Fat Loss Work?

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