Wines from Rioja Announces New Strategic Five-Year Roadmap

NEW YORK, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To further strengthen the international brand presence and sales of Spain’s most celebrated wine region, Rioja, the region’s regulatory council, the Consejo Regulador of the D.O.Ca. Rioja, announced its new, five-year marketing roadmap, developed in partnership with KPMG.

According to the Consejo Regulador of the D.O.Ca. Rioja, international markets with the highest growth potential, led by the United States, will be the focus of increased investment from 2021-2025, including innovative digital, sustainability, and wine tourism programming. These efforts continue to build upon the region’s ongoing marketing initiatives in the United States, which include both consumer and trade press, social media, and digital activations.

President of the Consejo Regulador of the D.O.Ca. Rioja, Fernando Salamero notes, "International sales are projected to account for more than 40% of Rioja wine sales by 2025 and our new strategic plan, a market-oriented roadmap designed with sustainable development goals in mind, aims to generate maximum value and further increase the region’s global brand awareness.”

In 2020, the U.S. accounted for roughly 10% (more than 10.5 million liters) of Rioja exports by volume and 12% by value, which corresponded with an 8% increase in the Spanish region’s operations/sales in the U.S. These gains occurred even amid the global Covid-19 pandemic and newly imposed tariffs on Spanish wine. To accelerate this positive trend and leverage the rise of digital channels, the D.O.Ca. Rioja will connect directly with key consumers in the U.S. and other export markets, and aims to quadruple its online wine sales over the next five years. Optimization of online sales will occur through improved winery access to online sales channels, as well as partnerships with native digital and traditional distributors.

Furthermore, by 2025 Rioja’s goal is to increase brand awareness in the U.S. by 45% and sales by 18%. Key activations currently ongoing, and setting the stage for this growth, in the U.S. include: traditional media outreach, influencer and social media (“100 Days of Rioja”) campaigns, eCommerce trade programming, as well as education and advocacy initiatives with key hospitality and trade schools.

Another strategic pillar of upcoming growth for the region of Rioja is sustainability – the D.O.Ca. Rioja’s goal is to enact positive change in the immediate future to ensure long-term environmental viability. These initiatives include five-year goals to reduce the use of phytosanitary products by 50%, reduce the region’s carbon footprint by 10%, and have organic wines represent 5% of wine production.

Additionally, the region of Rioja will further establish itself as a benchmark wine tourism destination by leveraging its rich history, unique terroir, and diverse constituent wineries. The D.O.Ca. Rioja expects to increase the volume of visitors to 1.3 million by 2025.

About the Consejo Regulador of the D.O.Ca. Rioja

Located in north central Spain, Rioja is Spain’s most celebrated wine region and considered one of the greatest wine regions in the world. Rioja wines are protected by the oldest Designation of Origin in Spain, officially recognized in 1925. The D.O.Ca. Rioja administers highly sophisticated and stringent quality control in the winemaking process, from viniculture to bottling. More than 180 bodegas from Rioja are available for purchase in the U.S. For more information, please visit 

