Pharmagest Interactive: Strategic partnership with Elsan


Strategic partnership between ELSAN and Pharmagest Group
to develop relations
with private practitioners through PandaLab’s instant messaging app for medical professionals

  • ELSAN, a leading private healthcare operator in France caring for 2 million patients each year at its 120 private clinics and hospitals, and Pharmagest Group, the majority shareholder of PandaLab, finalize a strategic partnership to optimize interactions and information flows between hospital and private practice office-based healthcare professionals.
  • PandaLab makes its instant messaging app, PandaLab Pro, available to ELSAN’s 120 private clinics and hospitals.
  • ELSAN acquires a minority stake in PandaLab.

Paris and Villers-lès-Nancy, 19 April 2021 - 07:30 a.m. (CET) - After signing a partnership agreement in January 2020 with PandaLab for its secure instant messaging app for hospital and private practice office-based healthcare professionals, ELSAN, a leading private healthcare operator in France, entered into a strategic partnership with the Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions (HSCFS) Division of Pharmagest Group (Euronext Paris™ - Compartment B - ISIN: FR 0012882389), managed by its subsidiary MALTA INFORMATIQUE, to develop relations with private practice office-based healthcare professionals through the health sector instant messaging app developed by PandaLab, a Pharmagest Group subsidiary.

To solidify this partnership, ELSAN acquired a minority stake in the start-up, joining its founders and Pharmagest Group, the reference shareholder, whose majority stake remains unchanged (at 56.27% of PandaLab’s capital since April 2020).

This strategic partnership will accelerate PandaLab’s deployment in France by equipping ELSAN network of private clinics and hospitals with its PandaLab Pro solution. It will also contribute the goal of the HSCFS Division, operating under the direction of MALTA INFORMATIQUE, a Pharmagest Group subsidiary, of establishing PandaLab Pro as a key tool for communications between all healthcare professionals, whether in private practice, social care establishments or hospitals in France and in Europe.

PandaLab Pro, an intuitive, easy-to-use, multifunctional and secure tool for sharing health data with private practice office-based physicians, whose adoption has been accelerated by the health crisis

In the context of the health crisis where healthcare professionals need to be informed and communicate quickly, the PandaLab Pro app has been deployed in half of ELSAN's clinics and hospitals with a volume of nearly 750,000 messages in less than one year.

The implementation of this intuitive and easy-to-use instant messaging app from a computer or smart phone secures and facilitates internal communications not only between healthcare professionals and other staff but also with private practice physicians through a specific module developed conjointly by PandaLab and ELSAN. In this way, establishments using PandaLab Pro facilitate the work of private practice healthcare professionals by offering them a seamless and secure communications tool. Nearly 800 private practice healthcare professionals have already been invited to join the groups formed within ELSAN’s private hospitals relating to their activity. This tool makes it possible to enter directly into contact with the relevant department or medical team, obtain an opinion by the establishment’s practitioners, transfer an x-ray, rapidly obtain a response or be directed to the right correspondent.

PandaLab Pro is thus for example used between the medical services of ELSAN’s private hospitals and senior homes, between hospital pharmacists and independent pharmacies or by chronic wound care units to communicate with domiciliary nurses. This tool adapts to each communications need with ambitious goals: improving the efficiency of care, improving the quality of the interaction, reducing time required to obtain information.

Simon LEVY, Executive Vice President for Strategy and Development at ELSAN commented: “Our investment in PandaLab will accelerate its deployment by developing communications between hospital and private practice healthcare professionals to improve coordination in providing care to the two million patients we receive each year."

Grégoire de ROTALIER, Deputy Managing Director of Pharmagest Group and Head of Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division added: “PandaLab’s integration into all our software applications (pharmacies, senior homes, hospitals-at-home, in-home nursing services, hospitals, health centres and private practice physicians) combined with ELSAN’s extensive regional network of private clinics and hospitals will help establish PandaLab as a major tool for communications between hospital and private practice healthcare professionals."

Christelle MASSON, Chief Executive Officer of PandaLab concluded: “We are very proud that ELSAN has decided to join our shareholder base alongside Pharmagest Group. This will allow us to accelerate the rollout of PandaLab Pro in France and continue to demonstrate the utility of this application for the coordination of the patient care pathway”.

France’s foremost private healthcare provider, ELSAN has a strong presence throughout the country meeting patient needs in all areas. ELSAN has 25,000 employees and 6,500 privately operating practitioners at 120 clinics and hospitals in all parts of France, providing treatment and services to more than two million patients a year. Our mission: delivering innovative, high-quality care with a human touch.

About PandaLab -
PandaLab, the developer of e-Health software solution, PandaLab Pro, is a French start-up founded by Dr. Aurélien LAMBERT, a medical oncologist. The application for healthcare professionals and medical secretaries has more than 7,500 paying users throughout France. PandaLab is a cutting edge provider of e-Health solutions designed to coordinate and streamline the entire patient care pathway. PandaLab has been a Pharmagest Group subsidiary since 2020.

About MALTA INFORMATIQUE and the Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division of Pharmagest Group
MALTA INFORMATIQUE, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pharmagest Group, is an independent software vendor specialised in applications for senior homes and day care facilities for the elderly, a fast-growing sector in which it has a 28 % market share. Its TITAN application is the only solution on the market with the ability to cover the entire medication pathway for senior homes. At 31 December 2020, MALTA INFORMATIQUE equipped 2,220 senior homes.
MALTA INFORMATIQUE is the operating company responsible for spearheading Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division (189 employees; 2019 sales: €26.19 million; installed base: more than 3,500 establishments). With its subsidiaries DICSIT INFORMATIQUE, AXIGATE, ICT, PANDALAB and MALTA BELGIUM, this Division also operates across a number of sectors including e-Health, hospitals at home, home-based nursing services, hospitals and health centres and facilities housing multiple disciplines.

About Pharmagest Group: - Follow Pharmagest on Twitter: @Pharmagest, LinkedIn and Facebook
With more than 1,100 employees acting as “Citizens in the Service of Health and Well-Being”, Pharmagest Group is the leading provider of IT solutions for the healthcare sector in Europe through innovative solutions and services for healthcare professionals guaranteeing the efficiency of the healthcare system and improving the patient care pathway.
As a key contributor to the quality of healthcare and coordination between office-based private practice and hospitals, Pharmagest Group is present in France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom where it is developing the leading healthcare platform and a single ecosystem for France and Europe bringing the best of technology to the service of people.

Listed on Euronext Paris™ - Compartment B
Indices: MSCI GLOBAL SMALL CAP - GAÏA Index 2020 - CAC® SMALL and CAC® All-Tradable
Included under the European Rising Tech label

Eligible for the “long-only” Deferred Settlement Service (“Service à Règlement Différé” - SRD) and equity savings accounts invested in small and mid caps (PEA-PME)
ISIN: FR 0012882389 – Reuters: PHA.PA – Bloomberg: - PMGI FP


Press Contact: Pénélope de FOUQUIERES
Tel.: +33 (0)6 31 34 81 24 –

Chairman and Head of Pharmagest Group's Health and Social Care Facilities Solutions Division. Grégoire de ROTALIER
Tel.: +33 (0)5 57 35 19 25 –

Chief Executive Officer: Christelle MASSON
Tel.: +33 (0)1 84 25 79 21 –

Press Contact: Isabelle APRILE
Mobile: +33 (0)6 17 38 61 78 –



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