IMCD N.V. publishes convocation for its upcoming Annual General Meeting

ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands (11 May 2021) – IMCD N.V. (“IMCD” or “Company”), a leading distributor of speciality chemicals and ingredients, today published the convocation and agenda for its Annual General Meeting of shareholders (“AGM”), which will be held on Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 10:30 CET in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

The convocation, agenda, and further documentation for the AGM are available in the Investors’ section of IMCD’s website.

In view of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, precautionary measures apply to limit exposure for IMCD’s employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders. IMCD encourages shareholders to exercise their online proxy voting rights in advance of the meeting, instead of attending the meeting in person. There will be no social gathering surrounding the AGM and depending on the circumstances at the time, the number of board members participating may be limited. Shareholders are advised to regularly check the Investors’ section of IMCD’s website for any updates.

A full overview of IMCD’s financial calendar is available in the Investors' section of IMCD’s website.

Attached, please find the press release in pdf format.

This press release contains information that qualifies as inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.



Press Release_IMCD convocation AGM