EURO Ressources Annual ordinary General meeting of shareholders of May 19, 2021 appointment of the scrutineers




PARIS, France, May 14, 2021: in connection with the holding of the annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders of EURO Ressources S.A. (« EURO » or the « Company ») (Paris: EUR) which will be held on May 19, 2021, the Company wishes to detail the specific conditions of the appointment of the scrutineers to this meeting.

It is recalled that pursuant to the powers granted to him by the Board of Directors, the Directeur Général decided on April 14, 2021 that, in consideration of the administrative measures in force limiting or prohibiting the movements or the collective gatherings for health reasons, the general meeting of the shareholders convened by the Board of Directors on February 18, 2021 to be held on May 19, 2021 shall be held without the attendance, physically or by telephone or video conference, of the shareholders and of the other persons having the right to attend to such meeting.

In this respect and in accordance with article 8 I 2° of the decree n°2020-418 dated April 10 2020, two scrutineers had to be appointed among the ten shareholders holding, to the knowledge of the Company, the greatest number of voting rights.

Based on last the registered shareholders list of the Company available, it has been proposed to the above ten shareholders to be appointed scrutineer. These shareholders had a period expiring on May 12, 2021 8:00 PM (Paris time) to accept their appointment.

It is specified that, in case of receipt by the Company of acceptance of the appointment as scrutineer of more than two shareholders, the two scrutineers actually appointed had to be those having validly answered and having the greatest number of voting rights.

Given the answers received within the above period, the two scrutineers appointed to the general meeting of shareholders on May 19, 2021, are:

-        IAMGOLD France SAS; and

-        SARL Jean Claude Grand Finances.

About EURO

EURO is a French company whose main assets are a royalty on the Rosebel gold mine production in Suriname (the “Rosebel royalty”), a royalty on the Paul Isnard concessions, and marketable securities. The Rosebel gold mine is 95%-owned by IAMGOLD Corporation (“IAMGOLD”), and is operated by IAMGOLD.  The royalty on the Paul Isnard concessions is a net smelter returns production royalty on future production of the Paul Isnard concessions and an area of interest surrounding the concessions in French Guiana, owned under a joint venture agreement between Orea Mining Corp. and Nord Gold SE.

EURO has approximately 62.5 million shares outstanding.  On April 30, 2021, IAMGOLD France S.A.S. (“IAMGOLD France”), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of IAMGOLD, owned approximately 89.71% of all issued outstanding shares of EURO. As at April 30, 2021, IAMGOLD France held 56,058,191 shares representing 112,116,382 voting rights or circa 94.25% of the voting rights of EURO. 


Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information:   Some statements in this news release are forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and involve risks and uncertainties.   There can be no assurance that future developments affecting the Company will be those anticipated by management.

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Additional information relating to EURO Ressources S.A. is available on SEDAR  Further requests for information should be addressed to:


Tidiane Barry

Directeur Général
Tél. : +1 450 677 0040
Email :
Sophie Hallé

Directeur Général Délégué

Tél. : +1 450 677 0040
Email :




PR 21-06EN 2021 05 14 Désignation des scrutateurs AG 19 mai 2021 - v1_Final