MILTON KEYNES, UNITED KINGDOM, June 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- doTERRA today announced a new partnership with the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) in Cork, Ireland. Established in 1884, GAA is Ireland’s largest sporting organisation and makes traditional Gaelic sports and pastimes more accessible to the community. Like many sporting organizations around the world, Cork GAA was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The GAA suspended all matches on March 13, 2020, forcing athletes across Ireland to train remotely for over a year. doTERRA’s support will help Cork GAA as it aims to get athletes back on the pitch and in fit, playing shape.

“doTERRA is committed to encouraging health and wellness around the world and is proud to partner with the Cork Gaelic Athletic Association, which gives athletes of all ages a chance to compete and be active,” said Kirk Jowers, EVP European Markets. “We recognize the impact GAA and sports have on the culture of Cork, and the importance of supporting the local community. This partnership is a natural fit. Our essential oils products are used by trainers globally to help athletes perform at their highest level. We are thrilled to support the men, women, and young athletes who represent Cork and the GAA’s long tradition of success.”

In addition to this partnership aligning with doTERRA’s emphasis on health and wellness, the company is pleased to continue supporting organisations in Ireland. Wellness Advocates have been sharing doTERRA’s essential oils and other products in Ireland for more than a decade and assisting local organizations individually and through doTERRA’s Healing Hands Foundation. Last year, doTERRA opened its first manufacturing facility outside of the United States in Cork. The new facility serves as the company’s European manufacturing headquarters and has already created dozens of new jobs for the area.

“GAA are delighted to welcome doTERRA on board as one of our Stadium Sponsors,” said Kevin O’Donovan, GAA CEO. “Being in optimal health ranks high on our agenda, particularly for our younger members who are facing the challenge of keeping active in these unprecedented times. We look forward to working with a global leading company, right in the heart of Cork.”


About doTERRA

doTERRA is an integrative health and wellness company and the world leader in the Global Aromatherapy and Essential Oils market. doTERRA sources, tests, manufactures, and distributes CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils and essential oil products to over nine million doTERRA Wellness Advocates and customers. Through industry leading responsible sourcing practices, doTERRA maintains the highest levels of quality, purity, and sustainability in partnership with local growers around the world through Co-Impact Sourcing. doTERRA Healing Hands offers resources and tools to sourcing communities and charitable organizations for self-reliance, healthcare, education, sanitation, and the fight against human trafficking. Through the life-enhancing benefits of essential oils, doTERRA is changing the world one drop, one person, one community at a time. To learn more, visit

