Energy Globe presented the best environmental projects for our earth

VIENNA, Austria, June 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On the UN World Environment Day, Energy Globe presented in its 21st anniversary the nominees and winners for the World Award in the categories earth, fire, water, air and youth.

A total of 3,000 projects from 187 countries took part. The projects were selected according to sustainability criteria by the international Energy Globe jury with representatives from all continents, chaired by Maneka Gandhi. The award ceremony was held by high-ranking celebrities, UNIDO Secretary General Li Yong, Deputy Director Hubert Cottogni from the European Investment Fund, Honorary President Professor von Weizsäcker from the Club of Rome and President of the Global Chamber Platform Christoph Leitl, to name a few. The award-winning projects show successful solutions in all areas of life that are in harmony with our nature.

The world winner in the Earth Category was the “Drylands Development Program” by World Vision Ethiopia. With the help of this program and the help of around 60,000 farmers, more than 50,000 hectares of land were made fertile again.

The world winner in the Water Category was the “Phantor Project” by the Austrian company Imhotep Industries for producing drinking water from humidity using latest technologies.

The world winner in the Air Category was the “Emissions to Liquids Technology Project” from Iceland where green electricity is used to generate liquid methanol by adding the emission of CO2.

In the Fire Category, the “Solar Initiative Project” from India was chosen as the world winner. In this project more than 3,000 women were trained to be solar engineers in order to make electricity available domestically.

In the Youth Category, the “Voces de la Naturaleza” Project from Paraguay won for motivating students to actively protect the environment.

Not only the nominees and winner projects of the Energy Globe World Award, but also all the national winning projects from 187 participating countries are featuring unbelievable variety, quality and creativity. Initiator Wolfgang Neumann is enthusiastic: “It's great having so many people actively working on solutions for our environment and actually implementing them. The last 21 years and the 30,000 submitted projects show us that there are already solutions for every environmental problem in every country”.

All information about World- & National Award winners and nominees at


A picture and photos accompanying this announcement are available at

21st Energy Globe World Award EnergyGlobe_MNR2_PressPicture2 EnergyGlobe_MNR2_PressPicture3


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