THC Caps to Drive Consumers to Unsafe Products

The Blinc Group Says Caps Could Cause a Rise in EVALI Cases

New York, July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Blinc Group, Inc., the regulatory-focused designer and provider of premium, customized and bespoke vaporizer technologies, has written a white paper, “Six Reasons that THC Caps Are A Bad Idea,” that examines the implications of THC Caps on the vaping industry. They have concluded that caps could drive consumers to unsafe products and lead to an increase in EVALI cases once again.

“There are a multitude of reasons why THC Caps are a bad idea for the cannabis industry. They will drive consumers looking for the higher concentrates to the unregulated black market exposing them to who knows what additives and pesticides and only stoke the illicit market that so many jurisdictions are trying to combat, said Arnaud Dumas de Rauly, CEO & co-founder of the Blinc Group.

It also would require manufacturers to dilute their concentrates with additives to meet the lower standards, and while regulations are up in the air from state to state, the unsafe additives will pose a greater health risk to consumers, possibly resulting in an uptick in EVALI cases.”

The Colorado Cannabis Manufacturers Association (CCMA) agrees with the Blinc Group that THC Caps are not in the industry or consumers’ best interests.

“Restricting THC levels drives the illicit market, thereby increasing access to youth. Such belligerent policy harms the wellbeing of law-abiding patients and adults. CCMA supports common sense legislation to drive youth education and prevention, while promoting product quality and safety," Kevin Gallagher, Executive Director CCMA.

The Blinc Group’s white paper, “Six Reasons that THC Caps Are A Bad Idea,” found that:

  1. Restricting THC levels in the regulated market will not prevent youth from accessing marijuana concentrates.
  2. Restricting THC levels in the regulated market will create an illicit market for marijuana concentrates increasing marijuana related arrests.
  3. Restricting THC levels in the regulated market will place young people at greater risk.
  4. Restricting THC levels in the regulated market will increase risks for all marijuana consumers.
  5. Restricting THC levels in the regulated market will place public safety at risk.
  6. Restricting THC levels in the regulated market will create inaccurate and mixed messaging for consumers and youth.

If you would like a full copy of the white paper, please download it here.

About the Blinc Group

Headquartered in New York City, the Blinc Group designs, develops, supplies, and supports premium cannabis vaping hardware. The company offers a curated collection of proven cartridges, batteries, ready to use vaporizers and complete bespoke device development to multi-state operators, licensed producers, and brands. Blinc completes the value chain by providing its clients access to a suite of support services ranging from research and development, production, testing, standard operating procedures, training and all the way to go-to-market strategy and brand communications consulting. With full control of the supply chain, the company’s unique “Powered by Blinc” process enables clients to provide innovative, safe, and quality-controlled products to cannabis consumers worldwide. 


