Non-Profit Adam’s Place Getting Traction as Donors Like Richart Ruddie Step Up To Spread The Word

Adam’s Place is a non-profit organization that was established in March 2021 by Elizabeth Toledo, Marco Toledo, Esmeralda Toledo, Marco Toled Jr., Andres Toledo, Joel Hirschhorn, Angela R. Hirschhorn, Adeena Weiss Ortiz, Damian Ortiz

Chicago, Illinois, July 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Adam’s Place mission is to help youth that are vulnerable. At the center, the youths are taught values and skills to help them in life, they are also taught how to develop self-worth by means of caring for the land and for animals, other individuals, and themselves. This is all so that they can become responsible and productive young men as they move through this challenging world.

With a recent donation and support from entrepreneur Richart Ruddie he’s hoping to spread the word and raise both awareness and funds to support the mission in memory of Adam Toledo.

Adam’s Place is named after Adam Toledo, a sweet, young boy, who loved to play with his Legos, draw, and be with animals. As a typical 13-year-old boy, he was exploring the world and testing boundaries, as they all do.

He was a very good kid, who was lured out one night by older kids, who did not have his best interest in mind. On this night, the 29th of March 2021, this innocent boy was shot by a police officer not very far from where he lived. He was instructed by the police officer to stop running and when he did not, he was shot to death. He was unarmed at the time of his death.

The founders of this Non Profit company do not want to see any other family having to suffer what the Toledo’s had to suffer from the loss of their son at the tender age of 13. There are so many families that have to go through what they did, and Adam’s Place has dedicated itself to helping these types of young men have the chance to reach their goals in life.

They see the place as a way for these families to get their sons out of violent, or potentially violent and dangerous situations. Certain neighborhoods are more dangerous than others and pose a much higher threat to these young boys. When they have the chance to be in an environment that is safe, and one where they can learn and grow without the threat of danger, they will be able to focus on their dreams and aspirations.

The company is accepting donations, which they use to create the best possible life for these young boys. Every little bit that they receive goes to ensuring that they have the means to help these kids grow up without the lure of the street.

If you wish to donate or would like more information on how to get involved and help please visit:

