Presentation of DKT Holdings and TDC's Q2 2021 results

TDC will conduct a conference call for investors and analysts on August 13, 2021 at 14.30 CET to present the Q2 2021 results. Lasse Pilgaard, Chief Financial Officer, will comment on the results and answer questions during the conference call.

The investor and analyst conference will be available in Microsoft Teams at:

Dial in to Microsoft Teams is: +45 32 72 51 67 – Code: 135 439 061#
The conference call will refer to a slide deck that will be available from August 13, 2021 at approx. 10.00 CET on the link:

Please mute your microphone before and during the presentation.

For inquiries regarding the above please contact TDC Investor Relations on +45 2921 1749 or

TDC tickers

Reuters TDC.CO.
Bloomberg TDC DC.



Invitation to conference call August 13 2021