SAN DIEGO, Sept. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Shareholders Foundation, Inc. announces that a lawsuit is pending for certain investors in shares of ATI Physical Therapy, Inc. (NYSE: ATIP).
Investors, who purchased shares of ATI Physical Therapy, Inc. (NYSE: ATIP), have certain options and should contact the Shareholders Foundation at or call +1(858) 779 - 1554.
On August 16, 2021, a lawsuit was filed against ATI Physical Therapy, Inc. f/k/a Fortress Value Acquisition Corp. II over alleged securities laws violations. The plaintiff alleged that the defendants failed to disclose to investors that ATI was experiencing attrition among its physical therapists, that ATI faced increasing competition for clinicians in the labor market, that, as a result of the foregoing, the Company faced difficulties retaining therapists and incurred increased labor costs, that, as a result of the labor shortage, the Company would open fewer new clinics; and that, as a result of the foregoing, Defendants’ positive statements about the Company’s business, operations, and prospects were materially misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis.
Those who purchased ATI Physical Therapy, Inc. (NYSE: ATIP) shares should contact the Shareholders Foundation, Inc.
Shareholders Foundation, Inc.
Michael Daniels
+1 (858) 779-1554
3111 Camino Del Rio North
Suite 423
San Diego, CA 92108
The Shareholders Foundation, Inc. is a professional portfolio legal monitoring and a settlement claim filing service, which does research related to shareholder issues and informs investors of securities class actions, settlements, judgments, and other legal related news to the stock/financial market. The Shareholders Foundation, Inc. is not a law firm. Any referenced cases, investigations, and/or settlements are not filed/initiated/reached and/or are not related to Shareholders Foundation. The information is only provided as a public service. It is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied upon.