Green Builder Media Announces Annual Green Home of the Year and Sustainability Awards

After a year of frenzied home building and renovation, it’s time to put the nation’s best high-performance homes on display. Share yours in the form of an inspiring project that creates a beacon of light by entering this prestigious contest.

Lake City, Colo., Oct. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Now in its 14th year, the contest recognizes the industry’s most authentic, beautiful, sustainable projects and the professionals who design and construct them. It highlights the best green homes that feature: 

  • Sustainable features
  • Innovative design
  • Whole-home performance
  • Integration with the natural environment 
  • “Above and Beyond” characteristics that address environmental risks

In addition, the program selects a Sustainable City of the Year and a Sustainability Superhero.

Winners will receive coverage in the January/February 2022 issue of Green Builder magazine via social media and promotional outlets.

“This year, we’ve added award categories for projects that go Above and Beyond, says Green Builder Editor-in-Chief Matt Power. “For example, in California, you may be building fire-smart homes with metal roofs, ember-proof soffits, and fiber cement siding. In Phoenix, you may be installing exterior roof insulation, extending overhangs, and adding mass to mitigate temperature swings. If you’re building in the Southeast, your project might include special flood- and hurricane-resistant measures. With this year’s Green Home of the Year Awards, you have a chance to showcase this important, innovative work, and get the accolades you deserve.”

Check out last year’s collection of award-winning homes and communities, featured in Green Builder for an idea of the caliber and scope of projects entered in our annual competition. 

“The window for entering projects is now open, and you have until October 29 to finalize your entry,” Power says. “Please consider entering your single-family home, community, multifamily project, townhouse, or apartment building into this year’s competition. We could all use some good news and inspiration. Why not demonstrate your mastery and innovation to the wider world!”

Click here to enter

For more information, contact Melissa Smith at 352-388-1121 or


Green Builder Home of the Year Awards
