Boston, Nov. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Centering Healthcare Institute (CHI) today announced the appointment of Piia T Hanson, MSPH, MBA to its Board of Directors. Ms. Hanson has over 20 years’ experience working with academic institutions, non-profits, corporations, and local, state, and federal public health programs. Her past roles include Medicaid Chief of Quality for the Louisiana Department of Health, Chief of Perinatal and Infant Health at the Washington DC Department of Health, Senior Program Manager at AMCHP, and Program Analyst for the Metro Nashville/Davidson County Public Health Department. She is currently the principal consultant for Ph Solutions, a boutique public health consulting firm, and adjunct faculty at George Mason University and Lamar University.
“We’re honored and so fortunate to have Piia join the CHI Board at this pivotal time,” said Angie Truesdale, chief executive officer of Centering Healthcare Institute. “As CHI is making significant investments and building momentum on alternative payment models for Centering around the nation, her expertise and experience will help shape our strategies and success.”
Ms. Hanson reports that she has had the good fortune to work with families and practitioners at the local level, maternal and child health advocates at the state level, and policy-makers at the national-level. “We talk a lot about innovation in maternal care, and we spend energy and effort trying to figure out what works to reduce preterm birth and maternal mortality. Centering is at the forefront of that movement and is a proven method to achieve this objective.”
“This is the perfect time to capitalize on the national momentum to achieve equitable outcomes for all families as it aligns with the national conversation around diversity, equity and inclusion, and also aligns with federal initiatives to achieve equity in maternal outcomes by 2030,” continued Ms. Hanson. Her aim is for Centering to be available for every pregnant and parenting person that wants to participate both virtually and in-person, and for there to be a sustainable mechanism to pay the providers and support staff that offer Centering, at a level that meets their approval.
About Centering Healthcare Institute:
CHI is a national non-profit organization with a mission to improve health, transform care and disrupt inequitable systems through the Centering group model. Centering combines health assessment, interactive learning and community building to help support positive health behaviors and drive better health outcomes. CenteringPregnancy® and CenteringParenting®provide the highest quality of care to families from pregnancy through early childhood. The CenteringHealthcare® methodology can be applied to other health conditions including groups for asthma, diabetes, opioid recovery, cancer survivors, chronic pain and other patient populations. Currently Centering is offered across 600 healthcare practice sites in the U.S.Visit for more information.