Westminster, MD, Nov. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MidAtlantic Farm Credit, a members-owned cooperative and an institution of the national Farm Credit system, contributed $20,000 to the Pennsylvania Farm Bill’s Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program, increasing the overall budget from $500,000 to $520,000. The deadline to apply has also been extended to November 5, 2021.
“Over the past few years, we have seen a large increase in agriculture infrastructure needs in urban areas throughout our territory,” says Tom Truitt, CEO of MidAtlantic Farm Credit. “Our association is proud to provide additional financial contributions to this grant program to further promote and support the growth of urban agriculture in Pennsylvania.”
Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding says, “MidAtlantic Farm Credit has been a tremendous partner to agriculture and rural Pennsylvania for generations. I’m incredibly grateful for this commitment to further the reach of the Urban Ag Program and support farmers across Pennsylvania, no matter their zip code.”
“Farm Credit has more than 11,000 members across the commonwealth of Pennsylvania who produce a wide variety of commodities in both rural and urban areas,” adds Truitt. “More than 60 percent of these Pennsylvania members are young, beginning, and/or small farmers who could benefit from this grant program.”
For more information about the Pennsylvania Farm Bill’s Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program and to apply, visit agriculture.pa.gov/Pages/Urban-Agriculture-Infrastructure-Grants.aspx.
About MidAtlantic Farm Credit
MidAtlantic Farm Credit is an agricultural lending cooperative owned by its member‐borrowers. It provides farm loans for land, equipment, livestock and production; crop insurance; and rural home mortgages. The co-op has over 12,400 members and over $2.9 billion in loans outstanding. MidAtlantic has branches serving Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. It is part of the national Farm Credit System, a network of financial cooperatives established in 1916 to provide a dependable source of credit to farmers and rural America.