Owners & Managers Overwhelmingly Pleased with Quality of Remote Work, Survey Says

Half of Companies Working Remotely Have Shifted to Out of Area Hiring

Long Beach, California, Nov. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Respondents to FreeConferenceCall's State of Remote Work Survey say remote work has improved their quality of work and enabled their company to hire outside of their geographic area. Of the 1251 respondents, 77% are now working from home at least part of the time, with 49% of respondents fully remote. 

The company surveyed their user base to hear how prolonged remote and hybrid work conditions are impacting work quality, for individuals and colleagues, as well as hiring decisions. Self-evaluation of remote work is overwhelmingly positive. Evaluation of coworkers’ quality of work was also positive, though respondents ranked their own work quality higher than their coworkers (graphs attached). 

State of Remote Work Survey by the Numbers: 

Respondent Information: 

  • Total number of respondents: 1251
  • Breakdown of respondents by work status
    • In person: 290 / 23%
    • Hybrid: 352 / 28%
    • Remote: 609 / 49%
  • Breakdown of respondents by role
    • Business owner: 440 / 35%
    • Manager: 373 / 30%
    • Employee: 483 / 35%

Notable Statistics:  

  • 51% of leaders (managers & business leaders aggregate) have brought on hires outside of their geographic area
  • 77% of workforce have remained remote at least part of the time
  • 49% of people continue to be fully remote

“Workspaces are forever changed.” Dave Erickson CEO of FreeConferenceCall.com said, reflecting on the survey data. “It’s up to us to keep pace with the reality of a hybrid work landscape by supporting flexible, high quality communications interactions, wherever work is being done.”


About FreeConferenceCall.com

Over 20 Years Dedicated to Free Communication

FreeConferenceCall.com is one of the most recognized conferencing brands in the world with users in more than 800,000 businesses, including nearly all Fortune 500 companies. Unlimited-use service offerings include high-quality HD audio conferencing, screen sharing, video conferencing, audio and visual recording, security features, desktop scheduling and mobile applications.


FreeConferenceCall.com was founded by David Erickson in 2001 and is based in Long Beach, Calif.


Quality Assessment of Remote Work Remote Hiring is Becoming Common
