I/ITSEC 2021 Focus Event to Explore How Humans and AI will Learn to Work Together

Industry Leaders to Explore Innovations in Training to Ensure Human-AI Teams Achieve Optimal Performance

ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into more environments, workplaces, and missions. But, if a key goal of AI is to augment and improve how we humans perform our jobs, how are we preparing for this new reality?

Specifically, what sort of training will be needed—for both humans and AI—to ensure these new hybrid human-AI teams work optimally together? How will training be designed and apportioned for the human, and the AI, and for the joint or total system? Or conversely, will humans and AI adapt and evolve regardless?

To forecast that future from a military and civilian perspective, join us at I/ITSEC 2021, the world’s largest modeling, simulation, and training conference for the Focus Event:

“Learning to Learn Together: How Will Human-AI Teams Achieve Mastery?”

The expert panel, moderated by former I/ITSEC Industry Keynote Speaker Daniel Serfaty, CEO and Founder of Aptima, Inc., will examine the skills and competencies needed by humans to work with AI, and those needed by AI to work effectively with humans.

The panelists include:

  • Dr. Michael Van Lent, President and Chief Executive Officer, Soar Technology, Inc.
  • Dr. Greg Zacharias, Former Chief Scientist for Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, Office of the Secretary of Defense
  • Frederick Diedrich, Ph.D., Consultant

The panel will explore this unfolding partnership of human expertise and artificial intelligence, and the radically new demands on learning and training required to ensure a successful human-AI future. It will cite examples across domains such as aviation, space exploration, first response, command & control, transportation, and healthcare, exploring innovations in training to ensure that human-AI teams attain mastery in order to achieve optimal performance.

When: Wednesday, December 1, 1600 – 1730

Where: Orange County Convention Center South Concourse, Room 330EF

For more information on The Interservice/ Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), please visit https://www.iitsec.org/

