Rancho Cucamonga, CA, Dec. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beagle Freedom Project, the foremost non-profit organization that rescues & re-homes animals used in experimental testing and research heard about an animal testing facility about to kill older dogs it had used in testing who could easily be placed in homes and reached out to the laboratory to take in these dogs.
As per BFP’s signature law that passed in 2015 requiring the release of dogs and cats from labs after the testing is over, the lab was required to release these dogs, but lied to Beagle Freedom Project about them.
Critical Care Research, Inc., a contract research animal testing facility in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, experiments on dogs for scientific curiosities to keep brains and bodies alive so that people can stay younger longer.
The testing keeps dogs in cages from the time they are puppies through old age and puts them through painful and horrific testing, essentially forcing chemicals into the lungs to cool the brain while the dogs are in shock to preserve the organs. They do this repeatedly causing significant pain and damage to these dogs’ bodies not to mention their spirits.
BFP heard that when, after years of torture, the tests failed, the Board of Directors told the veterinarian to kill all the dogs, however the veterinarian refused, so they fired the vet.
“We are sick of the lies, the lack of transparency, the killing and the dumping of healthy, adoptable dogs who deserve a chance at a life,” said Shannon Keith, president & founder of Beagle Freedom Project, “We are letting Critical Care Research know this will not be tolerated any longer.”
Beagle Freedom Project President Shannon Keith Press conference calling out names from the laboratory and what they have done to the dogs.
Members of Beagle Freedom Project. 25 Adopters of survivors of laboratory research with their dogs. Three dogs rescued from Critical Care Research Inc.
Protest in front of the laboratory doors demanding to be let in and allow us to see if there are any dogs left inside and for BFP to take possession of the dogs per law.
Time: 10:00 am
Address: 10743 Civic Center Dr., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730