Denver, CO, Dec. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YES Communities has donated $10,000 to five resident families on nominations from Community Managers and Regional Management teams ahead of the holiday season. Resident families were selected on criteria of need and positive standing within their local community.
The donations are distributed via YES We Care, a charitable program that has invested over $430,000 in assistance to deserving residents, local organizations, and team members.
“We were so excited to present Donna, a long-time resident in our community with $2,000 to help her celebrate Christmas with her family this year. She was thrilled to receive the check and we were happy that we could help alleviate the expenses at such an important time of year. At YES we believe residents are family”, said Claudia Flores, Regional Manager at YES Communities.
“Each holiday season and throughout the year YES is committed to giving back to our residents”, said Steven Schaub, CEO of YES Communities. “I’m immensely proud of the work that is done through the YES We Care program, and we are planning to grow this crucial program next year and beyond.”
About YES Communities
YES Communities is a premier operator of manufactured housing communities and based in Denver, Colorado. YES has been recognized as the Manufactured Housing Institute's "Community Operator of the Year" from 2009 to 2019.