Chicago, IL, Feb. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the Surge Institute announced a new collaborative and collective action effort with the Black Principals Network to continue to expand capacity building and empowerment opportunities for Black principals across the nation.
The mission of the Black Principals Network is to co-create a restorative community for Black principals through collective and individual programming focused on self-care, sustainability, and liberation through collective problem-solving, self-discovery and access to high-quality resources. Since the launch of the Network in 2021, more than 350 principals have joined the online platform, participating in shared learning and community building.
TaraShaun Cain, who is both a member of the Black Principals Network and a 2020 alum of the Surge Institute’s Fellowship program, has joined the Surge team as Executive Director of the Black Principals Network.
“I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to lead a program that means so much to me as a Black woman in education leadership,” said TaraShaun Cain. “I believe the Black Principals Network is a community where you can obtain knowledge, resources, healing, and empowerment. There, you experience a transformative space that helps bolster you to transform the educational experience of the community you serve. I am excited for the work ahead.”
“The work of the Black Principals Network is so deeply and closely aligned with the Surge mission, the possibilities created by unifying our work into one collective movement are infinite,” said Surge Founder and President Carmita Semaan. “Surge is committed to a ‘for us, by us’ approach to all of our work and programs, so developing programming specifically geared to the unique experience of Black principals could only be led by someone who truly understands and has lived that journey. We are honored to welcome TaraShaun into this invaluable leadership role.”
The Black Principals Network was incubated and funded by Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, which invests in building a diverse educator workforce as part of its broader efforts to ensure all students are able to access a high-quality, culturally relevant K12 education that empowers them to achieve social and economic liberation.
“We are invested in the health and wellness of the Black educators and principals who play a key role in shaping the future of students and the world. Black educators face many different and unique challenges, and Schusterman is committed to continuing to support educators of color working to create transformative change for a better, more equitable future,” said Heather Harding, Senior Director, K-12 Education Grantmaking, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies.
Visit the Surge Black Principals Network homepage if you or a leader you know are interested in learning more about the Black Principals Network and fill out the form to stay up-to-date.
The Surge Institute is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was established with a simple but important mission to develop and elevate leaders of color who create transformative change for children, families, and communities. Founded by Carmita Semaan in 2014, the organization was designed to empower emerging diverse leaders to change the landscape of education by providing them with a unique, authentic leadership development experience. To learn more about The Surge Institute, please visit: