Laos - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

Laos launches 5G services in the hope of fueling telecom sector growth

Sydney, April 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just released, this edition of BuddeComm report outlines the latest developments and key trends in the telecoms markets. -

Unitel was the first of the country’s four mobile network operators to kick things off with 5G trials in late-2019. This followed similar rounds of testing being conducted by parent company Viettel Group’s other subsidiaries in Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia.Yet it was Lao Telecom (TLC) who stole the march on the market leader, unveiling a commercial 5G service in areas of the capital city, Vientiane. LTC has plans to extend the service into regional areas, however the extent to which it is able to do so may be limited by the amount of network infrastructure that is already in place around the country to support an upgrade to 5G (as opposed to the much higher cost involved with installing brand new sites in previously unserved areas). And with the coverage of LTE networks in Laos still some ways off from being any near universal, the speed of that rollout may be less than spectacular.

Key developments:

  • LTC launches the first commercial 5G service in Laos.
  • Unitel completes 5G trials.
  • 5G-based IT and telecom solutions (including IoT) deployed as part of Laos’ smart motorway network on the China-Laos Expressway.

Companies mentioned in this report:

Lao Telecom (LTC), ETL, Unitel, Beeline, Planet Online, Huayuan Electronics.

Read the full report:

