Annual General Meeting MCH Group Ltd.
Capital reduction by reduction of nominal value
The Board of Directors of MCH Group Ltd. proposes to the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of 23 May 2022 to reduce the nominal value per share to CHF 1.00 and to decrease the share capital to CHF 14,869,351. The amount of CHF 133,824,159 by which the share capital is reduced is to be transferred to capital contribution reserves.
The share capital of MCH Group Ltd. amounts to over CHF 148 million. The shares of MCH Group Ltd. are currently trading below the nominal value of CHF 10 per share. With the proposed reduction of the nominal value, the Board of Directors intends to gain more flexibility in light of the planned capital increase.
The proposed reduction of the nominal value is a purely technical measure The total equity base remains unchanged, as does the number of shares currently issued.
Unchanged composition of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors also proposes to the Annual General Meeting the re-election of the current members of the Board of Directors and its Chairman for a further financial year. It also proposes various adjustments to the Articles of Association in order to be able to introduce a new remuneration model for management with a "Performance Share Unit" plan.
Due to the still uncertain pandemic situation at the time of the preparation of the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors has decided that the rights of the shareholders can be exercised exclusively by appointing the independent proxy. On-site attendance in person is not possible. Registered shareholders will receive the documents by mail. The agenda items with the motions and explanations of the Board of Directors are also available on the MCH Group website, where the minutes with the voting results will be published after the meeting.
Secretary of the Board of Directors
Christian Jecker
+ 41 58 206 22 52