Belleville, Illinois, May 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has added nine rare respiratory cancers to the presumptive list of service-connected disabilities, drawing attention to veterans’ disabilities that result from exposure, according to Allsup, a nationwide provide of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) representation and veterans disability appeal services.
Through the review of scientific and medical evidence, the VA stated that there is a plausible connection between airborne hazards and carcinogenesis of the respiratory tract. Furthermore, the VA has stated that the rarity of these cancers warranted service connection presumption.
“This regulation is a step in the right direction in recognizing the serious diseases veterans are developing because of these exposures,” said Brett Buchanan, Director, Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Services® (AVDAS). “However, these cancers are very specific and I would advise a veteran who is filing a claim to clarify with their doctor if their cancer matches this list, because there are many types of respiratory and lung cancers.”
The list of cancers, added to the VA’s regulation through an Interim Final Rule, include:
- Adenocarcinoma of the trachea.
- Adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung.
- Large cell carcinoma of the lung.
- Salivary gland-type tumors of the lung.
- Salivary gland-type tumors of the trachea.
- Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung.
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx.
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the trachea.
- Typical and atypical carcinoid of the lung.
Buchanan said this is an important development for veterans to revisit previously filed claims. Veterans and surviving service members who were denied benefits for any of the above cancers are strongly encouraged to file a supplemental claim to receive benefits, he said.
Allsup VA-Accredited Claims Agents have helped hundreds of veterans to successfully complete their appeals for approval and improved ratings—especially when the VA makes revisions to service-connected requirements, like this announcement.
Veterans can contact Allsup for evaluation of their service-connected disability and assistance in determining which path to pursue with their VA disability appeals. This includes Higher-Level Review, Supplemental Claims and appeals directly to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.
To get assistance with your VA disability appeal with help from an Allsup VA-Accredited Claims Agent, click here to request a call or call 1-888-372-1190.
About Allsup
Allsup and its subsidiaries provide nationwide Social Security disability, veterans disability appeal, return to work, and healthcare benefits services for individuals, their employers and insurance carriers. Allsup professionals deliver specialized services supporting people with disabilities and seniors so they may lead lives that are as financially secure and as healthy as possible. Founded in 1984, the company is based in Belleville, Illinois, near St. Louis. Learn more at and @Allsup.