Life Cycle Analysis Confirms Environmental Superiority of CoalSwitch® Reduces CO2 Emissions by 99% Relative to Coal and 97% Relative to Natural Gas

As a “drop-in” feedstock, CoalSwitch can instantly help power plants and other industries that rely on coal-fired boilers reduce emissions associated with use

ASHLAND, Maine, June 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Life Cycle Assessment of CoalSwitch®, shows the pellet made from lumbermill waste by Active Energy Group (AIM:AEG), reduces CO2 emissions by 99 percent relative to coal and 97 percent relative to natural gas. The report was produced by Life Cycle Associates, an independent business and environmental consulting firm, based in California, specializing in life cycle analysis of fuel production pathways.

“This Life Cycle Associates analysis provides significant independent confirmation of the reduced greenhouse gas emissions incurred in the production of CoalSwitch®,” said Michael Rowan, CEO of Active Energy Group. “These conclusions provide much needed data to prospective customers of CoalSwitch® who have asked for this information from AEG in recent months. We can now confirm CoalSwitch® is not only sustainably sourced, but also provides significant performance improvements in greenhouse gas emissions as compared to coal and natural gas. CoalSwitch® continues to demonstrate that in addressing immediate environmental concerns, it is the next generation biomass fuel. At a time when the world is seeking not just a stable energy supply, but a sustainable one, CoalSwitch® is well-positioned to become a fuel of choice.”

Life Cycle Basis Includes Upstream and Downstream Analysis

The comprehensive life cycle analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for woody biomass includes emissions associated with feedstock collection/production and transportation, the production of process fuels, the delivery of the product to the power plant, and the burning the fuels. Upstream emissions included natural gas feedstock extraction, processing and transmission as well as imported grid power. Downstream emissions consisted of transport and distribution emissions from delivering wood pellets to the market. It also considered that wood pellets are made from lumbermill waste and forest residue that would otherwise generate GHGs either through the process of decomposition or burning.

CoalSwitch® heating value is equivalent to Coal and better than White Pellets

In early 2022, AEG received positive results of independent co-firing testing that demonstrated CoalSwitch® burns cleaner and produces fewer pollutants than coal while also outperforming other white pellets. The testing was conducted in Utah as part of the STEP Program by Brigham Young University, Rocky Mountain Power (a subsidiary of PacifiCorp), the University of Utah, Chalmers University of Technology and Reaction Engineering International. The program was funded independently through Rocky Mountain Power’s Sustainable Transportation and Energy Plan (the “STEP Program”).


In May 2022, AEG also achieved Chain of Custody (CoC) and Controlled Wood certifications that are compliant with Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) standards for its CoalSwitch fuel. The process of attaining this FSC certification has included rigorous audits by the independent accredited certification body SCS Global Services. These audits examine the full CoalSwitch® production process, encompassing the entire supply chain from feedstock source to final production of fuel. Active Energy’s certification to these FSC standards confirms that the production of CoalSwitch® will use forest-based materials from responsible sources and that the Company’s suppliers have committed to the strictest standards currently governing forest management.

About Active Energy Group:

Active Energy Group plc is a London listed (AIM: AEG) renewable energy company that has developed a proprietary technology which transforms waste biomass into renewable energy.  Its patented product CoalSwitch® is a leading drop-in biomass feedstock that can co-fire with coal or replace up to 100 percent of the coal in power generation and heavy industry activities without requiring plant cap-ex modifications. More information is available at

FSC License Code: FSC-C175386

