TripleBlind Wins Privacy Tech Award For Solving Data Privacy Challenges Through Privacy Enhancing Computation

KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TripleBlind, creator of the most complete and scalable solution for privacy enhancing computation (PEC), was recognized as a Privacy Tech Awards recipient at the inaugural TROPT Summit 2022. TripleBlind was recognized alongside seven other privacy technology startups, specifically for solving data privacy problems through PEC.

Recipients were selected by The Rise of Privacy Tech (TROPT), an initiative meant to fuel the rise of privacy innovation by connecting privacy tech experts, investors and advocates. TripleBlind co-founder and COO Greg Storm was present at the summit to receive the award.

“Undisputed innovation abounds when real, sensitive data can be used for collaboration and analysis, and privacy enhancing computation enables that,” said Storm. “To have TripleBlind recognized by TROPT for our problem solving using PEC shows that our solution enables collaboration and unlocks the intellectual property value of data while ensuring privacy and compliance.”

TripleBlind has already begun work with customers to show how PEC and privacy-enhancing technology (PET) can lead to innovation in all industries, especially healthcare and financial services. Use cases illustrating such innovation are available now on TripleBlind’s website.

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About TripleBlind
Combining Data and Algorithms while Preserving Privacy and Ensuring Compliance

TripleBlind has created the most complete and scalable solution for privacy enhancing computation.

The TripleBlind solution is software-only and delivered via a simple API. It solves for a broad range of use cases, with current focus on healthcare and financial services. The company is backed by Accenture, General Catalyst and The Mayo Clinic.

TripleBlind’s innovations build on well understood principles, such as federated learning and multi-party compute. Our innovations radically improve the practical use of privacy preserving technologies, by adding true scalability and faster processing, with support for all data and algorithm types. We support all cloud platforms and unlock the intellectual property value of data, while preserving privacy and ensuring compliance with all known data privacy and data residency standards, such as HIPAA and GDPR.

TripleBlind compares favorably with existing methods of privacy preserving technology, such as homomorphic encryption, synthetic data and tokenization and has documented use cases for more than two dozen mission critical business problems.

For an overview, a live demo, or a one-hour hands-on workshop,

Madi Olivé / Valeria Carrillo
UPRAISE Marketing + Public Relations for TripleBlind