NY City, New York, United States, Aug. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- dxFeed, a leading data solutions and index management provider for the global financial industry, both traditional and crypto, has expanded its range of integrations with news providers. The company has added integrations with MT Newswires news feeds, in addition to the aggregated news feed from Moody's. These feeds are fully available in a unified structured format of the dxFeed News API.
The dxFeed News API implements streaming delivery of news header and body. It enables full-text search functions for semi-structured content out of the box. The firm also plans to use dxFeed’s machine learning experimental engine to generate overall correlation signals and make the searching process easy and practical for users.
In a connected global market, news sentiment can be associated with a broad movement and performance of several companies from the same or different sectors. dxFeed market clustering algorithms (Machine Learning Solutions for Market Data Analysis) capture the complexity and inter-dependencies between different sets of financial instruments and different sectors of the market. Adding news sentiment into the model helps capture more context on interactions between market participants, financial assets, and relations with broader macroeconomic factors that all contribute to market dynamics. This reveals complex inter-dependencies between companies and corresponding correlations, thus providing a unique perspective to react to such inter-dependencies.
News is of utmost importance within trading environments, as this information precedes price movements. Therefore, traders and institutions with high-quality news at their fingertips have a distinct competitive advantage.
“To completely fulfill customers' demand, our quant team has already started developing the dxFeed machine learning experimental engine based on extended research of clients' needs. This will mark the transition to mixed-content analysis, which essentially captures the important context in semi-structured data," said Oleg Solodukhin, CEO of dxFeed.
About MT-Newswires
Founded in 1999, MT Newswires is a recognized leader in original and unbiased global capital market, business and financial news. The Company’s expanding global network of financial journalists and economists produces real-time, multi-asset class news in over 160 distinct categories to cater to the diverse and evolving needs of the global investment community. MT Newswires powers most of the largest banks, brokerage, professional market data, trading, wealth management and research applications.
About dxFeed
dxFeed is a leading market data and services provider and calculation agent for the capital markets industry. According to the WatersTechnology 2022 IMD & IRD awards honors, it’s The Most Innovative Market Data Project. dxFeed focuses primarily on delivering financial information and services to buy – and sell – side institutions in the global markets, both traditional and crypto. That includes brokerages, prop traders, exchanges, individuals (traders, quants, and portfolio managers), and academia (educational institutions and researchers).
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Contact dxFeed: pr@dxfeed.com
For the original news story, please visit https://www.prdistribution.com/news/dxfeed-extended-unified-news-feed-coverage-with-mt-newswires/9260410