Dublin, Sept. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Connected Care in Europe - 4th Edition" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Connected care revenues in the EU 27+3 countries reached an estimated € 3.6 billion in 2021.
This includes revenues from traditional telecare solutions, next-generation telecare solutions and telehealth solutions. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.8 percent between 2021 and 2027 to reach € 7.0 billion at the end of the forecast period. Traditional telecare solutions accounted for the largest share of the market in 2021 but will not grow as quickly as the next-generation telecare and telehealth markets during the next six years.
Traditional telecare is the largest and most mature segment of the connected care market with a total of 5.9 million users at the end of 2021. The market for next-generation telecare solutions is entering a growth phase with an estimated total of 2.9 million users in the EU 27+3 countries at the end of 2021, whereas the number of telehealth users reached 1.3 million.
The total number of people using connected care solutions amounted to 8.6 million at the end of 2021, as there is an overlap between the three solution categories. The market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 12.1 percent during the next six years to reach 17.1 million connected care users by 2027.
The analyst expects that traditional telecare will be overtaken by next-generation telecare as the largest segment of the connected care market with a forecasted 7.7 million users in 2027. However, traditional telecare will follow with 7.5 million users and telehealth with 5.7 million users at the end of the forecast period.
The traditional telecare equipment market in Europe is highly consolidated. The two major players - Tunstall and Legrand - hold leading positions in nearly all markets and together account for almost two thirds of telecare unit sales in the region. The next-generation telecare market is on the other hand fragmented.
In addition to the leading telecare equipment vendors, companies active in the next-generation market include specialised providers such as Essence Group, Just Checking, Vitalbase and Vivago in activity monitoring; Everon, Libify, Navigil, Oysta Technology, SmartLife Care and Smartwatcher in mobile telecare; and Evondos, Vitavanti, AceAge and iZafe Group in medication compliance monitoring.
The telehealth market is similarly a fragmented market that is evolving quickly. Many new start-ups as well as well-established solution providers from adjacent industries are active on the market. Examples include Huma, Luscii, Dignio, Comarch, eDevice and SHL Telemedicine.
The ongoing digitalisation of telephone networks in Europe will require massive replacements of PSTN-based telecare systems in the coming years. At the same time, there is rising interest in new types of solutions that enable social care and healthcare services to be delivered more efficiently. The analyst expects that these trends will catalyse the transition to the next generation of connected care solutions.
Future caregiving is also anticipated to be predictive in nature by continuously analysing user data and acting on abnormalities. Care providers will work with solutions that rely on data not only from telecare devices, but also from other sources such as smart home sensors and healthcare records.
The transition to digital technologies is good news for mobile network operators, as the vast majority of all new connected care systems rely on cellular connectivity. In fact, the analyst predicts that the number of cellular connections will grow from around 3.3 million in 2021 to more than 9.1 million in 2027.
The report answers the following questions:
- Which are the main verticals within connected care?
- What are the main drivers on this market in Europe?
- How many people are using telecare systems in each European country?
- What are the general technology trends for connected care products?
- Which are the leading telecare equipment providers in Europe?
- How will the connected care market evolve in the next five years?
- How will the markets for telehealth, telecare and smart home solutions converge?
- What is the potential market size for cellular IoT connectivity?
Market Trends and Analysis
- PSTN switch off continues to drive the transition to IP-based telecare
- Millions of new cellular connections will be needed for connected care
- BYOD has become a common option for telehealth
- Technological developments changes the competitive landscape
- Integrated data systems are becoming increasingly important
- The digital shift enables new services and use cases
- Convergence between telecare and telehealth towards integrated care
- From frequent readings to AI-driven patient engagement
- The use of mobile telecare solutions grows
- A slowly awakening consumer market for telecare in Europe
- COVID-19 became a catalyst that took telehealth into the next growth phase
Market Forecasts
- Traditional telecare
- Next-generation telecare
- Telehealth
Revenue Forecasts
- Traditional telecare
- Next-generation telecare
- Telehealth
Traditional Telecare Solutions Providers
- 9Solutions
- Althea
- Azur Soft
- Beghelli
- Careium (Doro Care)
- Chubb Community Care
- Enovation (Verklizan)
- Eurocross
- Legrand Care
- TeleAlarm Group
- Tunstall Healthcare Group
- Urmet ATE
- Vitakt Hausnotruf
Next-Generation Telecare Solutions Providers
- AceAge
- Appello
- Buddi
- Camanio
- ContinYou
- Essence Group
- Everon
- Evondos
- GTX Corp
- iZafe Group (MediRatt)
- Just Checking
- Libify
- Limmex
- Medimi
- Merck Group
- Navigil
- Oysta Technology
- Posifon
- Sensio
- Skyresponse
- SmartLife Care
- Smartwatcher
- Telegrafik
- Tellu
- Vitalbase
- Vitavanti Medical Solutions
- VIVAI Software
- Vivago
- Yorbl
Telehealth Solutions Providers
- Ab Medica
- Alphabet
- Apple
- Bepatient
- BT Group
- Comarch
- Dignio
- eDevice
- Hope Care
- Huma
- Luscii
- Medixine
- MedM
- OpenTeleHealth
- S3 Connected Health
- SHL Telemedicine
- Telefonica
- Vitagroup
- Voluntis
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/f7v4pg