MetAlert Reports Update on Recent Corporate Actions and New Strategic Partnerships

LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA, Sept. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MetAlert Inc. (OTC: GTXOD) formerly known as GTX Corp, a pioneer in the field of health & safety, wearable GPS human and asset tracking systems, and personal protective medical equipment, today announced its recent evolution and rebranding of the Company to reflect the broader vison centered around solutions that improve health, safety, wellness, longevity, and quality of life. The Company has a new name, updated logo, tagline and website Further, MetAlert effectuated a reverse stock split, a new CUSIP number and anticipates changing its ticker symbol in the coming weeks.

“We are excited to be moving forward under the new MetAlert brand. The name GTX Corp no longer represents everything that we are doing or our vision of the future. In the beginning, our focus was primarily on tracking and Global Trek Exploration (a.k.a. “GTX”) and that moniker made sense. In recent years, we have been focusing on bringing solutions to the market that transform people’s lives, and with this transformation we felt the need for big and bold changes.” Stated Patrick Bertagna, MetAlert CEO.

MetAlert will be temporarily trading under the ticker symbol GTXOD for the next 20 business days before a new permanent ticker symbol will be assigned to the Company.

The Company’s 2 subsidiaries – Global Trek Xploration and LOCiMobile will both remain operating and 100% wholly owned by MetAlert.

Paving the way for the future, the Company also recently signed several new agreements to begin manufacturing and selling complimentary products to its existing line of wearable devices. The new product launches, scheduled to begin next month, include, telemedicine services, wearable devices, that will integrate with the Company’s flagship GPS SmartSole platform, and a revolutionary new product called RoomMate, which is the latest and most advanced remote monitoring and fall detection system on the market today. It is a simple to use solution for remotely looking after patients without intruding on their personal space, allowing for a total ‘anonymized’ supervision and monitoring service using Infrared 3D technology. Not only is MetAlert building on its existing flagship product line of GPS Wearable Technology, but also introducing new complementary products and services designed to improve and extend people’s lives.

Patrick Bertagna continued with, “It is an exciting time for the Company and its shareholders as MetAlert promises to keep all of the innovative elements of GTX Corp but also build beyond just its line of GPS wearable products. We truly believe ‘knowledge is health’. We realize there is a lot to digest, but now that we are out of our quiet period, we plan to have more announcements in the following weeks. With gratitude, we thank all of our loyal supporters, and for a closer look at what is next, you can read this recent interview we did with Security Solutions Watch.”

About MetAlert (OTC: GTXOD) a pioneer in smart, mobile, and wearable tracking and recovery location-based solutions, supported through a proprietary IoT enterprise monitoring platform and intellectual property portfolio. The Company offers a global end-to-end solution of hardware, software and connectivity and develops two-way GPS tracking technologies, which seamlessly integrate with consumer products and enterprise applications. Utilizing the latest in miniaturized, low power consumption GPS, Cellular, RF, NFC and BLE technology, enabling subscribers to track in real time the whereabouts of people or high value assets. Known for its game-changing and award-winning patented GPS SmartSole® -- think Dr. Scholl’s meets LoJack, the world’s first invisible wearable technology tracking device created for those at risk of wandering due to Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, and traumatic brain injury. MetAlert’s business model is built around technology innovation and holds dozens of patents, with many issued patents in the area of GPS tracking. The company has international distributors servicing customers across the globe with subscribers in over 40 countries and is a U.S. Military Government contractor. Other customers include public health authorities and municipalities, emergency and law enforcement, private schools, assisted living facilities, NGOs, small business enterprises, senior care homes, and consumers.   Trackmyworkforce  GPS

Social Media Hashtags - #knowledgeishealth #withyou #smartsole #connectedandprotected #trackwhatyoulove #iot #smartproducts #nfc #ble #safety #healthcare #veritap #exceptionmonitoring #assettracking

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Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements. The terms and phrases “expects,” “would,” “will,” “believes,” and similar terms and phrases are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by MetAlert considering its experience and its perception of current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that MetAlert believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Many factors could cause MetAlert’s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Certain risk factors that may cause actual results to differ are set forth in MetAlert’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (which may be obtained on the SEC Website). These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on MetAlert’s forward-looking statements. MetAlert has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required.