Rolling Meadows, IL, Oct. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association (ASDSA) is pleased to announce the recipients of its annual Patient Safety Hero Award this week during the ASDS / ASDSA Annual Meeting. This year’s award is being presented to members who have taken an active role in promoting and protecting patient safety.
Mathew Avram, MD, JD, has a long history of researching and publishing on patient safety, promoting patient safety and ensuring patients are protected. Dr. Avram has published numerous peer-reviewed research studies that affirm ASDSA policy positions and has done work to promote board certified dermatologists. He has testified several times at the FDA on key patient safety matters like compounding and laser safety.
Joel Cohen, MD, is a frequent speaker on patient safety topics, especially cosmetic complications. His work as an educator on filler complications (nodules and necrosis) and laser/intense pulsed light (IPL) burns has proven useful as ASDSA works to raise awareness about the importance of patient safety during cosmetic medical procedures. Dr. Cohen has presented to the Colorado Board of Medicine on complications from various injections, laser and other dermatological procedures.
“ASDSA works to raise awareness surrounding patient safety and dermatologic surgery,” said ASDSA President Sue Ellen Cox, MD. “We appreciate the hard work that both Drs. Mathew Avram and Joel Cohen have dedicated to ASDSA, particularly laser safety. ASDSA is proud to name them both as the ASDSA Patient Safety Hero Award recipients.”
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With a membership of 6,400+ physicians, ASDSA is a 501(c) (6) association, dedicated to education and advocacy on behalf of dermatologic surgeons and their patients. For more information, visit
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